The power to possess or have traits of a Tutelary deity. Variation of Deity and Guardian.
Also Called[]
- Gods of Protection, Guardianship and Defense
- Protection/Guardianship Deity/God/Goddess
- The Divine Protector
- Tutelary Deity
As an archetype, a protector deity, is a god/goddess who represents or is associated with protection, guardianship and defense. Commonly known as Tutelary deities, they are fairly common in mythology and were important among ancient civilizations.
They can be considered a minor combination between war deities and preserving deities, since guardian deities can use all the defensive powers of war to preserve something (usually a nation). However, it is a minor version since it does not possess most of the offensive abilities of a war deity and does not possess all the preservation abilities, in addition to preserving deities usually operate on a world or universal scale.
- Counter/Absolute Counter
- Divinity
- Regeneration
- Guardianship (varies between deities)
- Intangibility (varies between Deities)
- Protection Embodiment (varies between Deities)
- All or almost all Defense Abilities
- Supernatural Durability/Invulnerability/Nigh-Absolute/Absolute Invulnerability (Varies between deities)
- Danger Intuition
- Defense Manipulation
- Defense Powers
- Divine/Omni-Protection
- Omnilock (Rare; Varies between deities)
- Protection Empowerment
- Protection Manipulation
- Army Manipulation (for protecting things.)
- Danger Manipulation
- Defense Manipulation
- Invulnerability Bestowal
- Protection
- Protection Inducement
- Protection Mode
- Protected Senses
- Team Manipulation (for protecting things.)
- Resistance Manipulation
- Safe Mode
- Safety Field Projection
- Safety Equipment Manipulation
- Transcendent Physiology (Varies between Deities)
- Transcendent Angel
- Transcendent Animal
- Transcendent Demon
- Transcendent Genie
- Transcendent Human
- Transcendent Hybrid
- Anthrocephalic (A human head on an animal body)
- Anthrozoic (Human form of an animal physiology)
- Zoocephalic (A human body with an animal head)
- Spirit Physiology
- Weapon Profiencency
Known Users[]
- Gabriel (Abrahamic Mythology)
- Michael (Abrahamic Mythology)
- Sariel/Selaphiel (Abrahamic Mythology)
- Loki (Norse Mythology); originally
- Jambhala (Buddhism/Hinduism)
- Cicolluis (Celtic Mythology)
- The Dragon King (Chinese Mythology)
- Andrew The Apostle (Christian Mythology)
- Maximón (Folk Catholicism)
- Ridwan (Islamic Mythology)
- Ganesha(Hindu Mythology)
- Bes (Egyptian Mythology)
- Horus (Egyptian Mythology)
- Maahes (Egyptian Mythology)
- Nemty (Egyptian Mythology)
- Sobek (Egyptian Mythology)
- Taweret (Egyptian Mythology)
- Bastet (Greco-Egyptian Mythology)
- Agathodaemon (Greek Mythology)
- Apollo (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Athena/Minerva (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Hera/Juno (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Heracles/Hercules (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Hermes/Mercury (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Tyche/Fortuna (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Dan Petro (Haitian Vodu)
- Loko (Haitian Vodu)
- Hina-puku-ia (Hawaiian Mythology)
- Durga/Kali (Hinduism
- Ganesha (Hinduism)
- Vishnu (Hinduism)
- Nandi (Hinduism)
- Marduk (Mesopotamian Mythology)
- Abgal (Pre-Islamic Mythology)
- Mars (not Ares) (Roman Mythology)
- Tutela (Roman Mythology)
- Xolotl (Aztec Mythology); protector of the sun through the underworld mictlan.