Superpower Wiki

The character is a pseudo-angel. Related of Pseudo-Monster. They have a near Angel Physiology resulting from a significant transformative experience unrelated to traditional forms of angelization. Opposite to Pseudo-Demon Physiology and True Angel Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Artificial Angel


Users are pseudo-angels, entities that exhibit part or all of the usual features associated with actual angels but lack their supernatural origin. The source of their angelic nature is scientific, not mystical. Although some mystical elements have occasionally been introduced into them. Unlike real angels, they may not have some tradicional angelic powers such as healing abilities or manipulation of sacred energy

Associated Powers[]


Example Characters[]

  • Artificial Angels (A Certain Magical Index)
    • Hyouka Kazakiri
    • AIM Burst
  • Matrix (DC Comics)
    • Linda Danvers
    • Twilight II
  • Angel-type Digimon (Digimon)
  • Ancient Vampires (Legacy of Kain)
  • Cheyarafim (Marvel Comics)
    • Warren Worthington III/Archangel/Angel

