The archetype of a character who is a robot of incredible strength. Variation of Physical Powerhouse with a Bionic Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Android/Cyborg Powerhouse
- Robotic Powerhouse
Users are or can become a robotic being with strength-based powers.
Associated Powers[]
Known Users[]
- Guts Man (Mega Man)
- Rock/Mega Man (Mega Man series)
- Hard Man (Mega Man 3)
- Mega Man X (Mega Man X series)
- Iron Hands (Pokémon)
- Iron Valiant (Pokémon)
- Dumbbelltron (Power Rangers Beast Morphers)
- Kamui (Show by Rock!!)
- Knuckles the Echidna/Knuckles Man (Sonic & Mega Man: Worlds Collide)
- Yellow Zelkova (Sonic X)
- Terminators (Terminator series)
Knuckles the Echidna/Knuckles Man (Sonic & Mega Man: Worlds Collide)
Dumbbelltron (Power Rangers Beast Morphers)
T-800s (Terminator series)
Marcus Wright (Terminator Salvation)
Cliff Steele/Robotman (DC Comics)
T-800 Arrival - The Terminator -Open Matte, Remastered--2
Gun Shop - Wrong Sarah - The Terminator -Open Matte, Remastered--2
Kyle Reese vs T-800 (Tech-noir) - The Terminator -Open Matte, Remastered--2
It's just him and me - The Terminator -Open Matte, Remastered--2
Т-800 removes the eye - The Terminator -Open Matte, Remastered--2
Police station assault - The Terminator -Original sound & color--2
We did it, Kyle - The Terminator -Open Matte, Remastered--2
Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese vs T-800 Endoskeleton - The Terminator -Open Matte, Remastered--2
Opening (Future War) - Terminator 2- Judgment Day -Remastered--2
Hospital - T-1000 visit (Extended scene) - Terminator 2 -Remastered-
The Galleria (T-800 vs T-1000) - Terminator 2 -Remastered-
Not like me. A T-1000, advanced prototype (Extended scene) - Terminator 2 -Remastered--2
What's the dog's name? (Extended scene) - Terminator 2 -Remastered--2
T-1000 in Pescadero hospital - Terminator 2 -Remastered--2
He'll Live - Terminator 2 -Remastered--2
Come with me if you want to live - Terminator 2 -Remastered--2
Steelworks- T-800 vs T-1000 (Extended scene) - Terminator 2 -Remastered--2
Mega Man VS Astro Boy - DEATH BATTLE!
Terminator VS RoboCop DEATH BATTLE!
"My Life As A Teenage Robot" Theme Song (HQ) - Episode Opening Credits - Nick Animation-2