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The character is a Deity of Sin. Variation of Transcendent Physiology and Malevolent Deity Physiology. Opposite of Virtue Deity.

Also Known as[]

  • God/Goddess of Sin, Vices, Impurity, Wrongdoing, Iniquity, Misconduct, Degeneracy, Debauchery, Immorality,
  • Vice Deity Physiology


A user with this ability either is or can transform into a Sin Deity, a deity associated with Sin, Vices, Impurity, Wrongdoing, Iniquity, Misconduct, Degeneracy, Debauchery, Immorality and all their aspects. This grants them absolute knowledge and power over them, their concepts, and their principles. They were not regularly worshiped for reverence, but more rather appease and placate. If they were worshiped for reverence, their worshipers would most likely be the foulest of society. Sin Deities weren't a common feature of worship in polytheistic religions but were important among ancient and current civilizations.





Known Users[]

  • Adephagia (Greek Mythology)
  • Aergia (Greek Mythology)
  • Anaideia (Greek Mythology)
  • Beshaba (Forgotten Realms)
  • Corus (Greek Mythology)
  • Dyssebeia (Greek Mythology)
  • Gruumsh (Forgotten Realms)
  • Inidia (Roman Mythology)
  • Kakia (Greek Mythology)
  • Lloth (Forgotten Realms)
  • Malog Bal (The Elder Scrolls)
  • Menoetius (Greek Mythology)
  • Murica (Roman Mythology)
  • Sanguine (The Elder Scrolls)
  • Styx (Greek Mythology)
  • Zelus (Greek Mythology)