Power to use the traits of or to be a Strength Deity. Variation of Transcendent Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Gods of Strength, Might, Stamina and Endurance
- Gods of Power
- Might Deity/God/Goddess Mimicry/Physiology
A user with this ability either is or can transform into a Strength Deity, a god/goddess in mythology who represents or is associated with physical strength as well as the strength in all things, including might, stamina and endurance.
- Divinity
- Immutability (deities are already invulnerable to most forms of harm, however strength deities are more so.)
- Power Embodiment (varies between deities)
- Stamina Embodiment (varies between deities)
- Strength Embodiment (varies between deities)
- All Strengthening abilities
- Absolute Speed (leg strength)
- Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Strength (varies)
- Power Perception
- Strength Infinitum
- Strength Manipulation
- Strength Mode
- Supernatural Condition/Absolute Condition
- Transcendent Warrior Physiology
- Alpha Physiology (much stronger and physically powerful then regular and/or minor deities.)
- Magic Deity Physiology
- Masculinity Deity
- Deity Consumption/Divine Power Immunity/Divine Slayer/Divine Power Absorption/Divine Power Negation/Strength Negation
Known Users[]
- Divine Serpent (Holy Avenger)
- Din, Goddess of Power (Legend of Zelda)
- God of Strength, Superman (DC Comics); via Imbued Godhood
- Tulkas (Tolkienverse)
- Heracles/Hercules (Greco-Roman Mythology); post apotheosis.
- Atlas (Greek Mythology)
- Kratos (Greek Mythology)
- Durga (Hindu Mythology)
- Hanuman (Hindu Mythology)
- Magni (Norse Mythology)
- Thor (Norse Mythology)
- Heru-ra-ha (Thelema)
- Honor/Honos (Roman Mythology)
After being thrown into one of the burning pits of Apokilips, Superman (DC Comics) absorbed the destructive energy of the planet, emerging as the God of Strength.