The archetype is for a character who is a technology deity. Variation of Deity.
Also Called[]
- God/Goddess of Technology
- Technology God/Goddess
- Technological Deity/God/Goddess
- Tech Deity/God/Goddess
The user either is or can transform into a technology deity, a transcendent entity embodying the essence of technology in all its forms, from the simplest tools to the most advanced artificial intelligences. As a deity, they wield unparalleled mastery over the digital realm, harnessing the power of innovation, creativity, and scientific advancement. Their influence extends beyond mere gadgets and machines, encompassing the very fabric of cyberspace and the interconnected networks that define the modern world.
Usually, users are purely technological (androids, robots, sentient machines, artificial intelligences etc.) but they can also be those who have embraced the symbiosis of biology and technology like cyborgs. They command the forces of technology with unparalleled precision. Circuits bend to their will, code reshapes at their command, and machinery obeys their every directive. Their touch unlocks the secrets of data, granting them insight into the deepest recesses of the digital ether.
Within the depths of virtual reality, the user's dominion and influence extends to every corner of the digital landscape. Within this boundless realm, they wield absolute authority over everything, from the humblest lines of code to the most immersive virtual worlds. They can create anything and bring it into the real world or do the reverse process.
Videos, images, and multimedia content are mere playthings in the hands of the Technology Deity. With a gaze, they can alter the fabric of reality captured within digital frames, transforming mundane scenes into fantastical vistas or rewriting history with a subtle edit. Movies and simulations bend to their whim, weaving intricate tales that blur the lines between fiction and reality. Internet pathways twist and warp at their command.
Their presence in the virtual realm is both awe-inspiring and unsettling, a reminder of the boundless potential, and inherent risks, of humanity's relationship with technology. For in the ever-expanding tapestry of cyberspace, every line of code, every pixel, and every digital artifact bears the imprint of their divine touch.
- Divine Lightning Manipulation (Electricity drawn from technology and machines to create lightning of the gods; varies between deities)
- Divinity/Technological Divinity
- Electromagnetic Manipulation (Varies between deities)
- Engineering Deity
- Knowledge Deity (Technology is the use of knowledge to solve problems)
- Science Deity (Varies; Science is the most common source of power and knowledge of technology)
- Science Embodiment (Varies between deities)
- Science Deity (Varies; Science is the most common source of power and knowledge of technology)
- Technology Embodiment (Varies between deities)
- All Data-Based Powers
- All Technology-based Powers
- Advanced/Transcendent/Ultimate Technology
- Cyberlingualism
- Cyberpresence (Varies between deities)
- Device Mimicry/Mechanical Morphing
- Digital Form
- Machine/Technology Empowerment
- Mechanical Mastery
- Nigh-Omniscience/Omniscience
- Personal Computer (Varies; If user is composed of technology)
- Scanning
- Technological Telepathy
- Technology Defense
- Technology Generation
- Technology Imitation
- Technology Manipulation/Absolute Technology Manipulation
- Activation & Deactivation
- Artificial Intelligence Creation
- Computer Manipulation
- Crash!
- Creating devices, and attachments.
- Data Manipulation
- Download
- Efficacy Manipulation (Boost a machine's capacity or speed.)
- Engineering Manipulation
- Esoteric Technology Manipulation
- GPS Manipulation
- Internet Manipulation
- Mechanical Constructs
- Media Manipulation
- Physical Restoration
- Programming
- Repair Manipulation (Induce glitches in technology.)
- Technological Assimilation
- Technological Constructs
- Technological Imprisonment
- Technological Solidification
- Technological Telekinesis
- Technology Attacks
- Technology Augmentation
- Technology Transmutation
- Video Manipulation
- Technological Possession
- Technoportation
- Technoscience
- Upgrading/Evolution/Eternal Evolution/Eternal Transcendence (Varies; as technology upgrades, so to does the deity.)
- Transcendent Android/Machine/Cyborg Physiology (varies; If user is composed of technology)
- Angelic Machine Physiology/Angelic Technology
- Bionic Dragon Physiology/Dragon Technology
- Biorgamechanics
- Cosmological Machine Physiology
- Demonic Machine Physiology/Demonic Technology
- Divine Machine Physiology/Divine Technology
- Extraterrestrial Robot
- Mechanical Abomination
- Vampiric Machine Physiology/Vampire Technology
- Artificial Intelligence Physiology
- Magic Deity
- Media Deity
- Science Deity
- Science Embodiment
- Techno-Alpha
- Transcendent Artificial Intelligence Physiology
- Transcendent Machine Physiology
- Transcendent Physiology
- Deity Consumption/Imprisonment/Slayer/Banishment
- Divine Power Negation/Absortion/Immunity
- Divinity Nullification/Mortalization
- Crash!/Technology Stopping/Invisibility/Intangibility
Example Characters[]
- Wintermute (Sprawl Trilogy)
- Loa of the Matrix (Sprawl Trilogy)
- Hephaestus/Vulcan (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Media/New Media (American Gods); limited variation
- Technical Boy (American Gods)
- Gamemnae (Arrowverse/Supergirl)
Web Original[]
Tabletop/Video Games[]
- Console Patron Units (CPUs) (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
- Neptune/Purple Heart
- Noire/Black Heart
- Blanc/White Heart
- Vert/Green Heart
- Plutia/Iris Heart
- Peashy/Yellow Heart
- Rei Ryghts
- Uzume Tennouboshi/Orange Heart
- CPU Candidates (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
- Nepgear/Purple Sister
- Uni/Black Sister
- Rom/White Sister
- Ram/White Sister
- Maho/Grey Sister
- Dark CPUs (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
- Kurome Ankokuboshi/Dark Orange
- Machine God (Warhammer 40,000)