Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The archetype of a character who was superpowered and then attained transcendent power, they had a Superpowered Physiology and gained Transcendent Powers. Similar to Transcended Normal but having initially been more powerful.

Also Called[]

  • Meta/Super Deity/God/Goddess
  • Super Deus/Diva (Female)/Divus (Male)/Numen
  • Superpowered Supreme
  • Transcended Meta/Neo/Super
  • Transcendent Altered Meta/Neo/Super
  • Transcendent Meta/Neo/Super
  • Transcendent Übermensch
  • Ultimate Ubermensch


The character possessed a superpowered physiology then gained Transcendent Powers and may even have gained a transcendent physiology. The powers may be the result of a power inducing event/incident, Advanced Technology, Exotic Technology, Magic Objects, mystic relics, powerful objects, divine blessings, some other empowerment, or a combination of sources. The path to transcendence may also be achieved through years of study and practice in Magic and other Supernatural Arts.

The character may easily possess a power base that transcends the laws of reality (Cosmological, Universal, Multiversal, Omniversal, etc.). A great many transcended supers are begotten from a humble upbringing as a common mortal, they can be ancient beings who traverse realities and stem from the beginning of time, or they can be artificially created through any amount of means. Either technological interaction, genetic/chemical/eugenic practitioner or metaphysical faculties, i.e., magic and/or scientific means.

If the transcended super remains with their society after attaining godly power, the character may become an Alpha Super who leads powerful groups of supers or even whole nations or planets.

Associated Powers[]

  • Superpowered Physiology: Users are beings with superpowers, extraordinary superhuman abilities and other special attributes that are greater than what is considered normal, granting them a superior status in mind and/or body that make them greater than that of the average member of their species. In many cases, the user is also able to gain tremendous powers of highly advanced levels.
    • Absolute Condition: Users capabilities, attributes and aspects at a maximum and limitless level. At the most basic level, users have a supreme and absolute physical and mental condition, with absolutely nothing being able to surpass them in those attributes.
      • Absolute Body: Possess a supreme and perfect body. This power stems into two parts: absolute physical capabilities and perfect bodily aspects. The user can possess one or both of these aspects.
      • Absolute Agility: Possesses limitless agility, with their balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes and strength transcending virtually all other beings in the universe.
      • Absolute Emotions: Possess emotions and feelings that are so potent and powerful that they will not only vastly increase the user's power but may be powerful enough to affect and warp creation itself.
      • Absolute Endurance: Capable of enduring any sort of stress; being able to work without sustenance or rest indefinitely and withstand any sort of punishment inflicted upon them.
      • Absolute Intelligence: User's intellectual faculties transcend all other sentient beings in their universe.
      • Absolute Mind: Have mental attributes, capabilities and abilities are at the absolute peak, infinitely superior to that of all other beings in their universe, even those with the highest level of Supernatural Mind.
      • Absolute Regeneration: Can heal from absolutely anything, even if there is literally nothing remaining of the user. One will be as frail and vulnerable as before, but every injury shall cease; critical injuries will be healed in a matter of seconds if not instantly.
      • Absolute Senses: Able to have all senses enhanced to an infinite scale, allowing them to see, smell, hear and otherwise limitlessly sense everything in existence, including conceptual forces and even immaterial beings/entities.
        • Absolute Eye: The user possesses eyes of unparalleled ability, exceeding any ocular capabilities. These eyes harbor supreme or potentially omnipotent embedded techniques, granting the power to surpass others in their universe. Additionally, they can induce a special transformation that provides a pinnacle enhancement of strength.
        • Absolute Vision: Users are not limited to just the average range of enhanced seeing, they can see everything that goes on in the world, or even the entire galaxy, or maybe the entire universe.
      • Absolute Speed Flight: Users can fly at absolute and limitless speeds, easily surpassing light speed infinitely, traveling infinite distances in a finite amount of time.
        • Absolute Speed: Possess a level of speed at a maximum and limitless level, transcending the logical limits and boundaries of speed as a concept.
      • Absolute Stamina: Possess a level of stamina and vitality at a maximum and limitless level, breaking all logical and natural boundaries while transcending the concept itself.
      • Absolute Strength: Can generate limitless and unsurpassed physical strength, able to go toe-to-toe and even surpass the strongest of beings with nothing but the raw force of their physical blows.
      • Genetic Perfection: Biologically and genetically perfect in every respect, they have attained the pinnacle of biological and genetic enhancement. As such, their genome is totally flawless, making their entire biology perfect.
      • Nigh-Absolute Immortality: The user is an almost immortal being that can survive almost anything in creation that threatens them.
      • Self Supremacy: The user is fully aware of everything that composes it, and has full control over everything that composes it; their cells and biological processes, their breaths and thoughts, their movements and emotions, their conscious and un/subconscious, etc. This ability also grants the user immunity/resistance to powers and abilities that control their mind, soul, body, emotions, or genetic makeup. The user’s body, mind, soul, emotions, psychology, genetic structure, etc., don’t do anything the user doesn’t want them to, can control everything they do, and is aware of everything about themselves, so there are no unknowns lurking deep in their body or mind.
      • Supernatural Cells: Possesses cells and body tissue are more powerful than the average human being's, the cells and tissues are at supernatural levels which access the entire body and just about anything connected to cells.
      • Supernatural Durability/Nigh-Absolute Invulnerability: Able to withstand high or nearly infinite amounts of damage if injured.
  • Ascended: User has or can leave their body, enter a plane of higher existence, and become pure energy gaining various powers, the most obvious would be an intelligence that surpasses nearly every form of physical life that would give the user the ability to create incredibly advanced technology. The users still contain their bodies and can choose to switch between them when they want to.
  • Alpha Super: Users with this ability can either take on the abilities of a vastly superior and more evolve version of a meta entity; a superpowered being whom possess the pinnacle status and highest level of power making them tougher, faster, stronger than any other in the meta entity community (superhuman/alien/beast). These higher form of metas have powers and abilities far more superior as they can take on and overcome almost anything in their respective worlds, as well as draw even greater powers from their source. Due to their more enhanced status users possess more abilities then most metas and well a having a more superior biology that can affect themselves.
    • Esoteric Power:Users possess an internal and personal force of supernatural or esoteric nature that lies dormant within them as it ultimately acts as the core of their otherworldly powers that by its unique and esoteric nature, can endow supernatural abilities with only their skill, personal power-level, imagination/knowledge, and/or morality to define the borders.
    • Magic Power: Users possess an extraordinary magic power; a living/metaphysical element energy/force of of known existence that derives all its abilities from the source of all magic.
    • Psychic Power: Users possess an extraordinary amount of psychic power; a living/mental elemental energy/force of the mind from which they derive all abilities as it is the source of psionics.
    • Scientific Power: Users possess an extraordinary science power, a hyper adaptive natural force of known existence that derives all its abilities from the source of all science.
  • Powers include:
    • Absolute Will: The user has an absolute strength of will, which can be applied to achieve virtually anything through sheer force of intent. The user is completely immune to all forms of control and possesses a complete and total freedom due to their willpower overriding anything put against them. (Varies)
      • Absolute Chi: The user has an unlimited chi that is equivalent to the power of many different forms of chi which comes in handy in situations that test one's fortitude and grants abilities. The user's chi is unable to be bound by anything and acts freely without anything holding it back. It is also strengthened by the user's training, emotions, combat, sense of purpose, Enlightenment, etc.
    • Atmospheric Adaptation: User can alter the body to survive levels of the atmosphere during space travel.
    • Complete Arsenal/Nigh-Complete Arsenal: Users can possibly have most abilities or all powers/abilities.
      • Superpower Arsenal: Users with this ability can either take on the abilities of a vastly superior and more evolve version of a meta entity; a superpowered being whom possess the pinnacle status and highest level of power making them tougher, faster, stronger than any other in the meta entity community (superhuman/alien/beast).
    • Etherius Warping: User can control and manipulate both the ethereal on the ultimate level.
      • Magic: Use magical forces/powers to varying degrees.
      • Psionics: Both mentally and psionically alternate with one's surroundings.
      • Reality Warping: In very rare cases, certain SPB possess the power to manipulate all aspects of reality without any limitations or restrictions.
    • Supernatural Force Manipulation: Conjure various different forms of elements be they matter or energy for use in almost any purpose imaginable.
    • Extradimensional Power: The user wields extradimensional power, a primordial and infinite force of multiple dimensions that has a great and indefinite level of power that can grant users dominion over the many dimensions. In its glorious nature, it can affect everything within it, including dimensional forces and energies that naturally affect the dimensions and its principles.
    • Heat Vision: Emit beams of heat from one’s eyes.
      • Ballistic Heat Vision: Beams of heat of the users' eyes coming forth in massive sizes of varying degrees.
    • Natural Superior Powers: The user possesses natural powers that are naturally superior to one's kind, having extraordinary abilities that is a part of nature and the next evolutionarily stage. Though outside then norm of their species, they are perfectly natural, nonetheless.
    • Omnifarious: Control every molecule, possibly every particle within the users' body to assume other forms, increase size, and many more feats.
    • Physical Godhood: have physical traits and powers that are seen as godly.
    • Rule Transcendence: Many of SPB's abilities bend if not outright break the laws of physics or reality itself.
    • Schrödinger Teleportation: In practice, it would seem to be the power to instantly teleport between any unobserved points, and simply disappear when not observed.
    • Science-Magic Transcendence: transcend beyond the boundaries of magic and science.
    • Superpower Evolution: SPB can endlessly evolve achieving greater powers.
    • Transcendent Force Manipulation: Can control and manipulate the ultimate forces.
    • Ultimate Being: a being that is described as an entity that is perfect in every way without limits, having limitless potential, infinite beauty, unimaginable power and surpassing almost everyone. The user's status can range from being the finest example of their race to being the most powerful life-form in the universe.
      • Omicron Being: The users are an Omicron: a supreme version of their kind who possess both the qualities and status of an alpha (self-exceeding species) and an omega (superseding host), making them the most powerful beings in the universe above both versions.
      • Ultimate Force Manipulation: The user possesses ultimate forces of extreme and limitless power that derives from the very essence of ultimate power, wielding the incomprehensible might as they stand as conduits of unparalleled power, capable of commanding forces that transcend the boundaries of possibility.
  • Ultimate Power/Ancient Power: The user wields ultimate power; a unique and ultimate force of limitless power that dwells within them, where users can ascend themselves and their inner power to their pinnacle as they are forever bonded and infused with such infinite power that they have the unlimited potential to do anything, as they can exceed anyone and anything in their in their respective universes by having a tremendous amount and variant kinds of abilities or the user wields ancient power; a singular and primordial force of great power that dates back to an ancient era or feather to the dawn of time or even before then, predating the known world or the universe. This kind of power that can dwell within the user that can bestow users a grand magnitude of power so great it can potentially lead to global or even cosmic scales all on its own.
  • Universal Power: The user wields universal power, a primordial and infinite force of the universe that has a great and indefinite level of power that can grant users dominion over the whole universe, that in its glorious nature, can affect everything within it, including cosmic forces and energies that naturally affect the universe and its principles. Because users have such cosmic powers, users can do anything with sheer thought alone, having tremendous amounts of various kinds of cosmic and universal-based abilities at their disposal; such command can classify them as the most powerful beings in the universe.

Associated Physiologies[]




Known Users[]

See Also: Fantastic Sapient Species.

  • Belmont Clan (Castlevania)
  • Yū Otosaka (Charlotte)
  • Pyron (Darkstalkers)
  • August Heart/Godspeed (DC Comics)
  • Batman (DC Comics); temporarily via Mobius Chair
  • Nathaniel Adam/Captain Atom (DC Comics)
  • Lord Marvel (DC Comics)
  • Doom Slayer (Doom)
  • Jon Osterman/Doctor Manhattan (Watchman/DC Comics)
  • Savitar (DC Comics); Rational
  • Wally West/Flash (DC Comics); temporarily
  • Barry Allen/The Flash (DC Comics); temporarily
  • Gorilla Grodd (DC Comics); temporarily via Still or Speed Force
  • Green Lantern (DC Comics); temporarily via Mother Box
  • Nathaniel Adam/Captain Atom (DC Comics)
  • Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy (DC Comics)
  • New Gods (DC Comics)
  • Savitar (DC Comics)
  • Nathaniel Adam/Captain Atom (DC Comics)
  • Shazam (DC Comics); temporarily
  • Superman (DC Comics); temporarily
  • Tien Shinhan (Dragon Ball series)
  • Yamcha (Dragon Ball series)
  • Krillin (Dragon Ball series)
  • Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
  • Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII series)
  • Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy VII series)
  • Zack Fair (Final Fantasy VII series)
  • Rex Salazar (Generator Rex); temporarily
  • Dhu al-Qarnayn (Islamic Mythology)
  • Demonseed (Malibu Comics)
  • Tom Hawke/Hardcase (Malibu Comics)
  • Rex Mundy (Malibu Comics)
  • Adam Brashear/Blue Marvel (Marvel Comics)
  • Desak the God Slayer (Marvel Comics)
  • Eternals (Marvel Comics)
  • Genis-Vell (Marvel Comics)
  • Gorr the God Butcher (Marvel Comics); formerly via All-Black Symbiote
  • Robert Reynolds/Sentry (Marvel Comics)
  • New Sun (Marvel Comics)
  • Black Bolt (Marvel Comics)
  • Apocalypse (Marvel Comics)
  • Omega-level mutants (Marvel Comics)
    • Storm
    • Jean Grey
    • Mad Jim Jaspers
    • Mister M
    • Marquis of Death
    • Cable
    • Professor X
    • Squirrel Girl
    • Nate Grey
    • Legion
    • Hope Summers
    • Vulcan
    • Elixir
    • Kid Omega
    • Iceman
  • Wonder Man (Marvel Comics)
  • Hulk (Marvel Comics)
  • Franklin Richards (Marvel Comics)
  • Gabriel Shepherd (Marvel Comics)
  • Rogue (Marvel Comics)
  • Magneto (Marvel Comics)
  • Molecule Man (Marvel Comics)
  • Adriana Soria/The Queen (Marvel Comics)
  • Al Simmons/Spawn (Spawn/Image Comics)
  • Rift (Milestone/DC Comics)
  • Lord Drakkon (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
  • Kaguya Otsutsuki (Naruto)
  • Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto)
  • Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)
  • Hashirama Senju (Naruto)
  • Madara Uchiha (Naruto)
  • Might Guy (Naruto)
  • Sano Tamashii (Apple Black)
  • Rihan (Blue Tempest)
  • Yonko (One Piece)
  • Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
  • Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
  • Vinsmoke Sanji (One Piece)
  • Bang/Silver Fang (One-Punch Man)
  • Blast (One-Punch Man)
  • Saitama/Caped Baldy (One-Punch Man)
  • Tatsumaki/Tornado of Terror (One-Punch Man)
  • Flashy Flash (One-Punch Man)
  • Various Characters (Ordeal)
  • Apollo (Wildstorm Comics)
  • Abraham Dusk (Wildstorm Comics)
  • The Doctors (Wildstorm)
  • Max Faraday (Wildstorm Comics)
  • Mister Majestic (Wildstorm Comics)
  • Void (Wildstorm Comics)
  • Kusuo Saiki (Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan)
  • Ryūhō Ryu (s-Cry-ed)
  • Kazuma (s-Cry-ed)
  • Shigeo Kageyama/Mob (Mob Psycho 100)
  • Escanor (The Seven Deadly Sins)
  • Phoenix Ikki (Saint Seiya)
  • Sung Jinwoo (Solo Leveling)
  • S-Ranked Awakened Beings (Solo Leveling)
    • Go-Gun Hee
    • Baek Yoon-Ho
    • Hwang Dong-Su
    • Choi Jong-In
    • Cha Hae-In
    • Min Byung-Gu
    • Ma Dong-Wook
    • Atsushi Kumamoto
  • Shin (The New Gate)
  • Shinobu Sensui (Yu Yu Hakusho)
  • Kazuma Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)
  • Angels (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
  • Avatars (Avatar Legends)
  • Abram Adams/Divinity (Valiant Entertainment)
  • Toyo Harada (Valiant Entertainment)
  • Lucy (Lucy)
  • Neo (The Matrix)
  • Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader (Star Wars)
  • Henry Creel (Stranger Things)
  • Jakob/Cult Leader (New Blood Interactive's DUSK)
  • Alessa Gillespie (Silent Hill series)
  • Mother Miranda (Resident Evil)
  • John White/The Beast (inFAMOUS series)
  • Ryu (Street Fighter)
  • Akuma (Street Fighter)
  • M. Bison (Street Fighter)
  • Oro (Street Fighter)
  • Ken (Street Fighter)
  • Rihan (Blue Tempest)
  • Future Che (Ordeal)
  • The Shadow (Ordeal)
  • Leo Thomas (Ordeal)
  • Angry Video Game Nerd (Channel Awesome)
  • Conner Cornwall (Confinement)
  • SCP-2599 - Not Good Enough (SCP Foundation)
  • Sam Howell/SCP-3812 - A Voice Behind Me (SCP Foundation)





Live Television/Movies[]

Video Games[]

Web Comics[]

