Superpower Wiki

The Character is a dhampir who is a transcendent mage.

Also Called[]

  • Supreme Dhampir Mage
  • Transcendent Demi/Half-Vampire Mage
  • Ultimate Dhampir Mage


This character is a supreme force that should not be underestimated. As with any dhampir a user can not simply achieve this level of power. It all depends on who the dhampir has inherited their vampire side from. Naturally with a transcendent parent, the dhampir will also be transcendent. As with most transcendent beings a transcendent dhampir mage is able to alter reality on a universal scale. Also the normal dhampir abilities are enhanced to absolute levels with them also being a practitioner of magic who has ascended to a godly state. They have nearly limitless magical power and can almost effortlessly gain access to power hardly touched by any other mystic.




Known Users[]

  • Alucard (Castlevania)
  • Vandalieu (The Death Mage Who Doesn’t Want a Fourth Time)
  • Gasper Vladi (Highschool DxD)