- "I am the thing that monsters have nightmares about. And right now you and me are gonna show 'em why. It's time."
- ― Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The character is a slayer with Transcendent Mortal Physiology. Variation of Slayer.
Also Called[]
- Absolute Death Dealer
- Godly Hunter
- Slayer Deity Physiology
The user is a transcendent slayer, that is, a slayer who exceeds the natural limitations of a natural slayer, who possesses knowledge over all things paranormal and power to destroy all manner of creatures in existence be they mystical, supernatural, extraterrestrial or even other transcendent being. Users are extremely powerful slayer capable of resisting to the powers and effects of other beings, giving the user and a greater advantage. Unlike most known Slayers, users not only possess greater powers, but also very powerful weapon, combat skills, and even immunities to hunt down all kinds of creatures, making said users the ultimate supernatural hunter in their existence.
They are able to physically outmatch even the strongest of the creatures they hunt, having all the necessary tools and knowledge of said creatures in the known world and very powerful means of overcoming all their influence and magic. Transcendent slayer is by far the most powerful of hunters in existence having all their status, powers and means of killing monstrosity. These kinds of slayers have been feared throughout the monster world as they were the most powerful hunters in the world.
The only kind of being who can match a transcendent slayer is a transcendent warrior as they also possess their own powers and skills of combat as well their own weapons. Their godlike abilities can potentially cause rivalry in combat as the mighty of fighters in existence.
Applications (General)[]
- All Slayer Powers: Powers and abilities related to kill creatures and entities that are normally unkillable or usually too strong for a normal person to kill.
- Trait:Slayer Powers: user possesses specific powers and skills that are focused on countering, defeating, and/or outright killing certain groups (species, gender, moral alignment, etc.).
Applications (Detailed)[]
- Arcanescience: Have instinctive knowledge about magic, the occult, the supernatural and everything related to it. As such, they know everything within magic, and the deep secrets that lie within, and around it.
- Occultism Mastery: Users, either innately or through training, are masters of occult phenomena and all their myriad forms, allowing them to perceive and understand occultism like no other and learn and master virtually any effect and school of occultism with outstanding ease.
- Absolute Chi: The user has an unlimited chi that is equivalent to the power of many different forms of chi which comes in handy in situations that test one's fortitude and grants abilities.
- Absolute Psionics/Psionic Godhood: To have immense psionic power.
- Omni-Science: Have instinctive knowledge about science, physics, the metaphysic and everything related to it. As such, they know everything within all fields of study, and the deep secrets that lie within, and around it.
- Combat Specialism: Have an instinctive understanding of combat and an innate encyclopedic knowledge in hand-to-hand fighting styles; therefore, understanding and analyzing opponents' style of combat and flaws in the opponent's attack and defense.
- Combative Transcendence: Users can transcend their physical, mental, spiritual, and existential limitations through combat. Achieving an even higher state of being as long as their locked in the heat of battle.
- Conversion Negation: Transform other beings back into their original species; for example, the user can turn a vampire back into their original species or reverse a non-hereditary werewolf's lycanthropy.
- Demoniac: While by no means an actual demon, they are referred to, described as or possess certain aspects and capabilities that make them incredibly dangerous and ruthless to the point they are called a demon.
- Divine Murder: As an archetype, the divine murder or divine killer is a deity/god/goddess/higher spirit who represents and is associated with murder, killing, slaughter, manslaughter, violence, assassinations, executions, bloodshed and bloodlust, and all their aspects, or simply a deity who commits the dark acts of taking the lives of others for dark gains. (Varies)
- Energetically Enhanced: Have entire physiology completely enhanced with energy; being empowered by energies, energetic items and possible other energy beings.
- Esoteric: A "Esoteric Version" of their race/species; a unique version of their kind that not only has their the qualities, but special powers and unique qualities, traits, abilities and physiology that are uncommon to their race/species, setting them apart from the rest of their kind; the user is also a prime example of their race/species, being the healthiest, strongest, and most versatile as well as having a "Supercharged" version of those per-existing qualities of their race/species.
- Esoteric Power: Users possess an internal and personal force of esoteric and supernatural nature that lies dormant within them as it ultimately acts as the core of their otherworldly powers that by its unique and esoteric nature, can endow supernatural abilities with only their skill, personal power-level, imagination/knowledge, and/or morality to define the borders.
- Godlike Martial Arts: The users of this power are the undisputed masters of all forms of combat, including natural and supernatural fighting skills and infinite strength and stamina. They have immense defensive abilities unsurpassed by any other fighter; they also possess a high level of intellect which they use to plan their attacks carefully.
- Indomitable Will: Have an unnaturally strong willpower, enabling them to be immune to all forms of temptation including Subordination Manipulation, Telepathy, Mind Control, and Subliminal Seduction.
- Fearlessness: Have literally no fear, being unable to feel any sort of fear, terror or even any intense anxiety.
- Tranquil Fear: Control their fear while retaining tranquility and are able to face what they're afraid of with the relentless courage of a warrior while gaining the vigilance and precaution of a survivor.
- Legendary Status: Have a legendary status. They are widely known and are famous for their abilities. If the character/object is a collectable, they are widely sought after.
- Magic Power: Users possess an extraordinary magic power; a living/metaphysical element energy/force of known existence that derives all its abilities from the source of all magic. In all its power, magical power, by its concept, can produce endless levels of energy that can come from mundane and/or esoteric/supernatural natures, granting its user a wide variety of powers over time or all at once, family heritage, mutation or given to a magic user.
- Magically Enhanced: Have entire physiology completely enhanced with magic; being empowered by magical energies, forces, items and possible other arcane beings.
- Omni-Arts: The user can utilize the Omni-Arts, a specialized system of techniques that revolve around the utilization of omni-power (everything, all powers, etc.), generally depicted as the sum total of all other supernatural arts.
- Psychic Power: Users possess an extraordinary amount of psychic power; a living/spiritual elemental energy/force of the mind from which they derive all abilities as it is the source of psionics. In all its power, psychic powers, by its concept, can produce endless levels of energy that can come from mundane and/or esoteric/supernatural natures, granting its user a wide variety of powers over time or all at once, family heritage, mutation or magic. (Varies between user)
- Killing Empowerment: Become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by killing others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers.
- Killing/Predator Instinct: Possesses the capability that enables them to be the "ultimate killing machine". They have instincts to kill by any means and in the most effective ways possible, use anything at hand to do so and, have no mental/emotional issues or moral dilemmas either before, during or after the deed. Even possesses predatory instincts, allowing them to become masters of assassinating, hunting, manipulating, planning and tracking.
- Omicron: can be considered the most powerful beings in their respected universes as they have the potential to surpass almost anyone regardless of whether their own natural powers or, because they can summon forth even greater power through the connection to a supernatural/transcendent force they host within themselves, depending on their nature behind the source of said power.
- Omnislayer: Able to kill/destroy any being and slaughter entire races of even the most powerful entities. Some users of this power have an unquenchable desire to kill, and power which allows them to massacre beings who were previously thought to be unstoppable.
- Paranormal Expertise: Have innately or through training, is a master of dealing with paranormal/supernatural beings and how to understand, detect, and combat against them vampires, monsters, aliens, etc.
- Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Pinnacle Condition: Have a peak human physique; humans that possess physical and mental attributes to the highest human limit. Peak-humans are superior to normal members of their species, as well as Olympic-level athletes. All their capabilities, attributes and aspects at an enhanced level, beyond that of the peak members of their own species. Even possess supernatural capabilities, attributes and aspects that are drastically beyond what is naturally possible. With their condition alone, they can dwarf most beings in their respective universe, being virtually supreme in their existential aspects and attributes.
- Slayer Force Manipulation: user possesses and is able to use slayer power, any power or force capable of (or revolving around) counteracting or killing certain individuals or types of creatures. These powers manifest as repelling such individuals, negating their powers, or even killing them outright.
- Superpowered Physiology: Users are beings with superpowers, extraordinary superhuman abilities and other special attributes that are greater than what is considered normal, granting them a superior status in mind and/or body that make them greater than that of the average member of their species. In many cases, the user is also able to gain tremendous powers of highly advanced levels.
- Survival Mastery: Have innately or through training, is a master of survival and all skills applicable to survival, thus allowing them to easily survive in any and all environments, actively prepare for emergencies, including possible disruptions in social or political order, on scales from local to international.
Applications (Equipment)[]
- Nigh-Complete Arsenal: Possesses most powers, but not all of them via an arsenal possessing a massive number of summonable weapons and are able to use them at the right situation. Name the weapon, and the user is bound to have something that fits.
- Superpower Arsenal: Users can access, wield, and utilize a vast and diverse collection of superpowers, this allows users to possess vast variety multiple powers either by permanently holding a wide range of powers or by being able to acquire and switch between various powers as needed. Users of this ability can possess a number of different powers and abilities; these abilities can relate to each other in the same category or be radically different ones. Users can create their arsenals of supernatural powers by acquiring powers to add to their collective either by absorbing/replicating, practicing or inheriting a possession of multiple powers. This ability is having the current state of possessing multiple powers. The user can possess a small number of superpowers or a very wide and long variety, but they do not possess almost all powers in every existence or endless powers.
- Weapon Arsenal: The user has a massive number of summonable weapons and is able to use them in the right situation. Name the weapon and the user is sure to have something suitable. Often using portals or simply having weapon at hand at all times. The power and versatility depend on the user's knowledge of their possessions and what is there.
- Weapon Manipulation: The user can create, summon, shape, manipulate and use any kind of weapons with perfect skill, whether pre-modern, modern or even futuristic using laser, plasma, antimatter or even more exotic ammunition/attacks. If it is a weapon or could be improvised as one, they are completely proficient with it. Some users can even make the weapons out of a piece of themselves, whether by using their life-force or shaping their own flesh and bone.
- Various Weapon Powers: Via collected weapons, usually slayer weaponry, these ranging from magical objects of great or destructive power or technological weaponry. The user has powers that revolve around any type of weaponry. This includes the highly skilled and proficient use of Swords, Daggers, Bow and Arrows, Bo Staffs, Fans, Guns, Firearms, and many others.
- Archetype:Horror Survivor: A user that is driven to survive and kill the monster or killer that threatens their lives by any means; not a few such hunters are survivors of supernatural horrors that claimed less fortunate friends and loved ones.
- Archetype:Slayer: A user that can kill creatures and entities that are normally unkillable or usually too strong for a normal person to kill.
- Archetype:Supernatural Detective: A detective that solves supernatural mysteries and deal with occult related crimes. They are well knowledgeable of the supernatural and the unnatural as they might possess countermeasures to deal with the danger that their cases possess.
- Archetype:Supernatural Hunter: A supernatural hunter, having the innate ability to hunt down supernatural creatures. They are able to physically match and fight off most of the creatures they hunt, have innate combat abilities and information about the paranormal world, ability to detect supernatural creatures, and know how to kill and trap them.
- Superior Entity Slayer: A user can kill a superior entity of any kind, being able to take on even the strongest of superior entities there may be and gain resistances to their powers and traits.
- Being transcendent does not necessarily mean the user is perfect..
- If users are empowered by supernatural forces they may be bound to supernatural laws and rules.
- May be bound to their word/oaths/promises.
- May be slain by users of Transcendent Weaponry, other Divine Slayer and Omnislayer.
- May be vulnerable to Divine Power Absorption, Divine Power Negation, Divine Energy Absorption and Divinity Nullification.
- May have specific limitations to the concept of their existence and universe.
- May only be a hunter of a specific supernatural creature (vampire, demons, spirits, etc.)
- Might still be able to be killed by transcendent beings or weaponry
- Powers may be dormant until the user has an encounter with the supernatural.
- Users of Transcendent Negation may nullify their godhood.
Known Users[]
- Asura (Asura's Wrath)
- Dark Schneider (Bastard!!)
- Umbran Witches (Bayonetta)
- Yhwach (Bleach)
- Beerus (Dragon Ball Super)
- Ghost Riders (Marvel Comics)
- Slayers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Doom Slayer (DOOM)
- Kratos (God of War)
- Kang Jinhyuk (Max Level Newbie)
- Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
- Smith Family (Rick and Morty)
- Ashborn (Solo Leveling)
- Sung Jinwoo (Solo Leveling)
- Lee Geon (Return of the Disaster-Class Hero)
- Hyeonu Kim (The Advanced Player of the Tutorial Tower)
- Death (Supernatural)
- Various Characters (Wolyaverse)