Superpower Wiki

The character is a transhuman abomination. Variation of Eldritch Abomination with a Transhuman Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Abominable Human Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
  • Eldritch Human Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
  • Human/Humanistic Abomination
  • Transhumanist/Transhumanistic Abomination
  • Posthuman Abomination


The user is a transhuman abomination, a unique type of eldritch abomination (or sometimes a common abomination) that was once a human or otherwise mortal being, often the result of Conversion or on other cases - or methods - unchecked genetic engineering, cybernetic enhancements or other post humanist procedure out of control.

These are the types of Transhuman Abominations:


This type is described as normally unnatural, totally alien and horrifically unrecognizable as having any human resemblance for who they once were. They may have traits commonly associated to eldritch beings such as their mere presence causing dread to break the minds close to them, their countenance being caustic, or possessing powers whose nature escapes common understanding.


This type takes the "posthuman" approach to the next level. They are often a consequence of a scientific procedure used to improve humanity gone wrong, cybernetic augmentations, satanic/forbidden rituals or genetic engineering supposed to gain a step further on the ideal of transhumanist/post humanist basis, which turns their being into something unfathomable on a scientific perspective. This is one of the most deceptive types of abominations, for there's a tendency of the aberrations being more internalized or subtle at a simple glance, although sometimes going out the window once the user forgoes their humanity whether intentionally or otherwise.

Associated Powers[]







  • May be unable to fully manifest in our universe without being let in or at least focus their attention to the right place.
  • Native deities and cosmic beings may seek to banish/destroy the user.
  • Their presence may be easily felt, making stealth all but impossible.
  • Might be susceptible to Sealing or Banishment.
  • May be unable to inhabit the normal universe without sufficient nourishment.
  • Anti-eldritch abilities.


  • May collapse on their own enhancements, causing blatant failure on their systems due to overcompensating.
  • Possibly mindless on they are too gone on their transformation.

Example Characters[]

See also Transhuman Abomination

  • Asteromorphs (All Tomorrows)
  • Ragna the Bloodedge (BlazBlue)
  • The Transcendence (Xeelee Sequence)
  • Great Ones (Bloodborne)
    • Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos
    • Rom, The Vacuous Spider
    • The Hunter; on the Childhood's Beginning Ending
  • Mayor Wilkins (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Awakened Beings (Claymore)
  • Sephiroth (Compilation of Final Fantasy VII)
  • Conner Cornwall (Confinement)
  • Abstracted Circus Members (The Amazing Digital Circus)
  • Alucard (Hellsing)
  • Alexander Anderson (Hellsing); via Helena's Nail
  • Failures of Infinity (Rebuild of Evangelion Films)
  • Ted Farro (Horizon: Zero Dawn)
  • Jobe Smith (The Lawnowner Man)
  • Dr. Strange Supreme (Marvel Cinematic Universe/What If...?)
  • B.O.Ws (Resident Evil)
  • Various Characters (DC Comics)
  • Various Characters (Marvel Comics)
  • Various Characters (SOMA); via WAU and Structure Gel
  • Commander Shepard (Mass Effect 3); in the "Control" Ending
  • Homunculi (Bayonetta 3)
  • Supergods (Supergods)
  • Various Characters (Tetsuo: The Iron Man)
  • Various Characters (Warhammer 40k)
    • Adeptus Mechanicus
    • Chaos Space Marines
    • Tzaangors
  • The Hrud (Warhammer 40k)
  • Jonathan Osterman/Doctor Manhattan (Watchmen)
  • Jonathan Ohnn/The Spot (Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse)
  • Hugo/The Time Monster (Ben 10 Alien Force)
  • Threat Nulls (World of Darkness/Mage: The Ascension)
  • Weapon XI (X-Men Origins: Wolverine)
  • Over-Fathers (Humanity Lost)
  • Humans/The Imperium (Humanity Lost)
  • Various SCPS (SCP Foundation)
  • Valerie (Tomahawk Angel)



Analysis & Discussions[]

