Superpower Wiki

The archetype of a character who is a robot that wields vapor-related powers. Variation of Element Wielding Robot with a Bionic Physiology and has Vapor Manipulation powers.

Also Called[]

  • Nephokinetic Robot/Machine
  • Steam-wielding Robot//Machine


The character is a robotic being with vapor based abilities. As a reslut, they possess a wide range of vapor-based abilities, which may be steam or cloud/fog based. This archetype should not be confused with Steampunk Physiology, which is powered by steam but may only have few (if any) steam based powers.



Known Users[]

  • Some Kamen Rider machines (Kamen Rider Build)
    • Blood Stalk (Kamen Rider Build)
    • Night Rouge (Kamen Rider Build)
  • Steam Man (Mega Man Rock Stars)