Power to use the traits of or to be a Victory Deity. Variation of Fortune Deity and War Deity Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Champion Deity/God/Goddess Physiology
- Gods of Victory
The user with this ability either is or can transform into a Victory Deity, a god/goddess in mythology who represents or is associated with victory and all things one can be victorious in, even victory in sports, games, contests and even war.
- Divinity
- Enhanced/Supernatural/Divine Combat
- Game Manipulation
- Indomitable Will
- Sport Manipulation
- Talent Embodiment
- Victory Embodiment (varies between deities)
- War & Peace Manipulation
- Defeat Manipulation/Deity Consumption/Divine Power Immunity/Divine Slayer/Divine Power Absorption/Divine Power Negation
Known Users[]
- Andarta (Celtic Mythology)
- The Morrígan (Celtic Mythology)
- Conquest (Christianity)
- Nike/Victoria/Dike (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Durga (Hindu Mythology)
- Hanuman (Hindu Mythology)
- Indra (Hindu Mythology)
- Odin/Wōden (Nordic Mythology)
- Heru-ra-ha (Thelema)
- Honor/Honos (Roman Mythology)
Video Games[]
- Victini (Pokémon)