The character is a wealth deity. Variation of Deity.
Also Called[]
- Abundance/Prosperity Deity Physiology
- Gods of Wealth, Riches, Money, Abundance, Prosperity, Greed and Generosity
- Money/Riches Deity/God/Goddess Physiology
- The Rich One
User with this ability either is or can transform into a wealth/abundance deity, a god/goddess who represents or is associated with wealth, riches, money, abundance and prosperity, and even greed or generosity. Wealth deities are common in mythology and were important among ancient and current civilizations.
- All Wealth Powers
- Divinity
- Greed Embodiment
- Immense Wealth
- Metal Manipulation
- Prosperity Embodiment
- Abundance Manipulation
- Fertility Manipulation
- Meta Luck
- Harvest Manipulation
- Infinite Supply
- Monetary Empowerment
- Monetary Manipulation
- Terraforming (into fertile lands)
- Plant Growth - induce plant growth base on fertile soil.
- Soil Manipulation
- Utopia Lordship/Land Lordship (varies between Deities)
- Agriculture Intuition
- Earth Deity
- Fertility Deity
- Fortune Deity
- Gambling Deity
- Harvest Deity
- Nature Deity
Known Users[]
Also See: The Almighty Dollar
- Jambhala(s) (Buddhism/Hinduism)
- Saint Expeditus (Christianity)
- Maximón (Folk Catholicism)
- Plutus (Greek Mythology)
- Agathodaemon (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Hades/Pluto (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Tyche/Fortuna (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Hecate (Greek Mythology)
- Lakshmi (Hinduism)
- Seven Lucky Gods(Japanese Mythology)
- Ōkuninushi
- Dagon (Mesopotamian/Canaanite Mythology)
- Gad (Sumerian Mythology)
- Mammon (Demonology)
- Freyr (Nordic Mythology)
- Abundantia (Roman Mythology)
- Inari Ōkami (Shinto Mythology)
- Dažbog (Slavic Mythology)
- Anaisa Pye (Vodou/Voodoo)