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Superpower Wiki

The power to use Artificial Magic. Form of Magic. Variation of Artificial Forces Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Artificial Commands
  • Artificial Sorcery/Witchcraft/Wizardry
  • Man-Made Magic/Sorcery/Witchcraft/Wizardry
  • Synthetic Magic/Sorcery/Witchcraft/Wizardry


The user is capable of utilizing an artificial form of magic, a type of mystic force that derives from newer, non-standard or even foreign sources. Magic tends to follow certain laws and originate from specific sources: personal mystical power, environmental enhancement, entity invocation, etc. Users of this power can circumvent the limitations related to traditional practices and wield magical abilities similar to or even identical to the abilities of customary practitioners.




  • Anti-Magic/Magic Destruction/Magic Negation/Magic Sealing
  • Magic may have a price.
  • Magic may require medium.
  • Control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic.
  • Without the knowledge or proper skill, the intended use of such magic can create unpredictable or potentially dangerous results.
  • May be unable to wield genuine, genetically born or natural forms of magic.
  • Loss of power source could lead to loss of magic.

Known Users[]

See Also: Magic from Technology.

