Superpower Wiki

The ability to expel certain aspects of one's identity from one's mind, body, and spiritual essence.

Also Called

  • Persona Expulsion


The user can expel aspects of their identity from their physical essence, this ability allows them to expel the "good" or "evil" aspects from their entire being and prevent them from being influenced by either aspect of right or wrong. It ability also allows the user to expel emotions from their body as well unwanted feelings or emotional/spiritual hindrances.




  • The rejected aspects may take on another form of their own.
  • The rejected aspects may choose to fight back against a user.

Known Users

  • Adam Warlock (Marvel Comics)
  • Users of the Ying Yo-Yo and Yang Yo-Yo (Xiaolin Showdown)
  • Father (FMAB)
  • Kami (DragonBall)