Superpower Wiki

The power to astral project and plant suggestions into others. Sub-power of Astral Manipulation. Combination of Astral Projection and Telepathic Implantation.

Also Called[]

  • Astral Exhortation


The user can project their consciousness from their body and plant thoughts, ideas and suggestions into others' minds, making them think that it was their own thoughts. This can be done with a whisper and the victim does not physically hear anything but the thoughts will appear in their mind, believing this was their own, doing whatever the user told them to.




  • Does not give the user control over the minds of others. The user may plant thoughts and ideas, but the victim is still in control of their own actions and may resist the suggestion if they become aware of the influence.
  • Users of Indomitable Will/Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious).

Known Users[]

  • Rex Buckland (Charmed)
  • Barbas (Charmed)
  • The Qareen (Legacies)
  • Loki (Marvel Comics)
  • Dee (Sunday Without God)