- "I hate that thing."
- ― Jaina Solo (Star Wars) complaining about the ysalamir's ability to repel the Force.
The ability to negate attraction and repulsion.
Also Called[]
- Attraction & Repulsion Nullification
The user can negate any attraction and repulsion forces such as gravity, anti-gravity, magnetism, electricity, tractor beams, telekinesis, etc.
- Attraction & Repulsion Defiance
- Electromagnetism Manipulation
- Negation
- Newtonian Motion Defiance
- Fundamental Forces Manipulation
- Physical Force Immunity
- Physical Force Manipulation
- Physical Force Negation
- Unrestricted Movement
- May only be able to weaken attraction and repulsion and not negate it.
- May not negate certain attraction and repulsion forces.
- Cannot negate contact forces.
Known Users[]
- Ysalamiri (Star Wars)