Superpower Wiki

The ability to gain insight into a question or situation using the auras as a conduit. Sub-power of Aura Magic. Variation of Divination. Not to be confused with just Aura Reading.

Also Called[]

  • Aura Divination
  • Aura Diviner/Reader/Sight
  • Inner Guidance


The user can employ a method of reading the future, the present and the past and/or provide help to a problem at hand by using the auras of others, places and surrounding objects as a focus. The user can use those sources as a way to see visions or insights of time.




Used By[]


  • May require time and concentration to make a vision.
  • Predictions are seldom set in stone, thus not every vision will come to pass or may do so in unexpected ways.
  • Users of Aura Concealment are immune.


  • Auramancy is constantly mistaken for the manipulation of auras, when it is actually the divination of auras.
  • Aura Reading can be just the emotional perception of ones aura, apposed to Auramancy which not only reads the reading of auras emotional state but also predicts the future or views the past through auras.

Known Users[]


  • Psychic's (Folklore)
  • Gypsy's (Romani Magic)
  • Witches/Warlocks (Witchcraft/Wicca)


  • Auramancers (Fantasy)