- "The desire to fly is an idea handed down to us by our ancestors who... looked enviously on the birds soaring freely through space... on the infinite highway of the air."
- ― Wilbur Wright
The power to have the traits and abilities of birds. Technique of Avian Manipulation. Variation of Animal Imitation, Animal Morphing and Dinosaur Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Ave Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
- Avian Body/Form/Mimicry
- Bird Body/Form/Mimicry/Physiology
Users possess the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of birds. They achieve this either through full or partial transformation into avians, choosing to mimic certain aspects of them, or simply already being a birds in the first place.
- Aerial Adaptation
- Atmospheric Adaptation
- Beak Protrusion
- Claw Retraction
- Digitigrade Legs
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Balance
- Enhanced Endurance
- Enhanced Lung Capacity
- Enhanced Reflexes
- Enhanced Senses
- Feather Manifestation
- Hollow Skeleton
- Talon Protrusion
- Ultraviolet Perception
- Wing Manifestation which grants either Flight or Gliding.
- Aves Physiology
- Neognathae Physiology
- Galloanserae Physiology
- Anatid Physiology (ducks, geese and swans): Enhanced Lung Capacity, Speed Swimming
- Galliform Physiology (turkey, grouse, chicken, quail, ptarmigan, partridge, pheasant): Camouflage, Prey Instinct
- Peafowl Physiology (peafowl and peahens): Feather Generation, Tail Manifestation, Seismic Sense
- Neoavis Physiology
- Aequalitornithes Physiology
- Phoenicopterus Physiology (flamingos)
- Charadriiform Physiology (auks, gulls, waders)
- Alcidae Physiology (auks, murres, puffins): Speed Swimming, Burrowing
- Lari Physiology (gulls, terns, skuas and skimmers): Environmental Adaptation, Powerful Bite
- Wader Physiology (waders/shorebirds)
- Aequornithes Physiology
- Gaviiform Physiology (loons)
- Ciconiiform Physiology (storks): Enhanced Touch
- Pelecaniform Physiology (pelicans, herons, ibis, spoonbills, haperkop): Speed Swimming, Enhanced Lung Capacity, High-Speed Flight
- Ardeidae Physiology (herons)
- Pelecanidae Physiology (pelicans)
- Procellariiform Physiology (albatrosses, petrels and shearwaters)
- Sphenisciform Physiology (penguins): Speed Swimming, Enhanced Lung Capacity
- Suliform Physiology (gannets, boobies, frigatebirds, cormorants, and darters)
- Phalacrocoracida Physiology (cormorants and shags)
- Columbavis Physiology
- Cuculidae Physiology (cuckoos): Parasite Physiology, Forest Adaptation
- Geococcyx Physiology (roadrunners): Enhanced Speed, Desert Adaptation
- Columbidae Physiology (black cuckoo-dove and black-billed wood dove): Forest Adaptation, High-Speed Flight
- Columbiform Physiology (doves and pigeons): High-Speed Flight
- Cuculidae Physiology (cuckoos): Parasite Physiology, Forest Adaptation
- Gruiform Physiology (cranes, rails, coots, limpkins, and sun grebes): Enhanced Dexterity, Enhanced Agility
- Opisthocomidae Physiology (hoatzin): Claw Retraction, Stench Generation
- Telluravis Physiology (land birds)
- Passerine Physiology (Passerines/perching birds): Prey Instinct
- Corvid Physiology (crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, etc.): Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Memory, Enhanced Vision
- Paradisaeidae Physiology: (birds-of-paradise): Enhanced Beauty, Dancing Mastery
- Robin Physiology (American, European and Juvenile robins): Prey Instinct
- Fringillidae Physiology (finch, canary, grosbeaks, serin, etc.)
- Hirundinidae Physiology (swallows and martins): High-Speed Flight
- Laniidae Physiology (shrikes): Impale
- Menura Physiology (lyrebirds): Omnitone
- Picocoraciae Physiology (kingfishers, Hoopoe, bee-eaters)
- Picidae Physiology (woodpeckers): Prehensile Tongue, Vibration Absorption
- Ramphastidae Physiology (toucans):
- Psittaciform Physiology (parrots): Super Bite
- Phorusrhacid Physiology (terror birds)/Extinct: Predator Instinct
- Raptor Physiology (falcons, eagles, hawks, vultures, condors): Telescopic Vision, Claw Retraction, Powerful Bite, Decelerated Aging
- Argentavis Physiology/Extinct: Enhanced Strength, Unnatural Size
- Strigiform Physiology (owls): Camouflage, Claw Retraction, Super Bite, Enhanced Hearing, Inaudibility, Night Vision
- Passerine Physiology (Passerines/perching birds): Prey Instinct
- Strisores Physiology (oilbirds, potoos, nighthawks, nightjars): Night Vision, Echolocation, Camouflage, Inaudibility, Hibernation, Darkness Adaptation
- Apodiform Physiology (swifts, treeswifts, hummingbirds): High-Speed Flight
- Aequalitornithes Physiology
- Galloanserae Physiology
- Palaeognath Physiology (ostriches, emus, cassowaries): Claw Retraction, Enhanced Speed
- Seagull Physiology: Flight, Improvisation Mastery, Intelligence, Personal Buoyancy
- Neognathae Physiology
Mythical Avians[]
- Air Manipulation
- Animal Imitation
- Avian Deity Physiology
- Avian Manipulation
- Animal Morphing
- Avian Transmutation
- Dinosaur Physiology - see Origin of birds.
- Egg Generation
- Feather Projection
- Superbird Physiology
- Theropod Physiology
- Wereavian Physiology
Avians are associated with great number of mystical and supernatural abilities and connections in mythology and folklore, thus user with this power may have access to:
- Albatross: Curse Inducement, Spirit Physiology (souls of lost sailors)
- Crane: Human Disguise, Healing, Semi-Immortality, Martial Arts
- Dodo: Cartoon Physics, Mortalization
- Nighthawks/Nightjars/Whip-poor-will: Death Sense, Spirit Physiology (souls of dead infants)
- Pelicans: Afterlife Manipulation
- Vultures: Guardianship, Purification
- Takes time for beginners in order to control their traits.
- May be difficult/impossible to revert to original form.
- Even partial physiology may cause user to be susceptible to Avian Manipulation.
- Most birds' senses of smell and taste are extremely weak.
Known Users[]
See Also: Avian Tropes.
- Falco Grice's Jaw Titan (Attack on Titan)
- Beast Titan (Attack on Titan); potentially
- The Goddess/Setsuna (Angel Tales)
- Various Bakugan (Bakugan: Battle Brawlers)
- Various bird Bakugan (Bakugan: Battle Planet)
- Avian Clan Bakugan (Bakugan G3)
- Secre Swallowtail (Black Clover); as Nero
- Abirama Redder (Bleach)
- Cirucci Sanderwicci (Bleach)
- LOVE (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo)
- Bird Digimon (Digimon)
- Ganos (Dragon Ball series)
- Hikui Birds (Dragon Ball series)
- Ostrich Chickens (Dragon Ball series)
- Chickee/Tart (Eto Rangers)
- Fukuro (Fairy Tail)
- Kawazu (Fairy Tail)
- Howl Pendragon (Howls' Moving Castle)
- Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure); After becoming the Ultimate Lifeform
- Hawks (My Hero Academia)
- Marco (One Piece); via the Bird-Bird Fruit/Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Phoenix
- Baron Tamago (One Piece); via the Tama Tama no Mi
- Buzz (One Piece); via the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Eagle
- Morgans (One Piece); via the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Albatross
- Pell (One Piece); via the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Falcon
- Saint Marcus Mars (One Piece); via unknown Zoan Devil Fruit
- Phoenix Tribe (Ranma 1/2)
- E-88 Lightning Bird (Sonic X)
- Mint Aizawa (Tokyo Mew Mew/Mew Mew Power)
- Nitros (Toriko)
- Hadenya (Yes! Pretty Cure 5)
- Giant Drill-Beaked Bird (Naruto)
- Quilly (Angelmouse)
- Art Hawkworth (Animalympics)
- Dorrie Turnell (Animalympics); Flamingo
- Kick'in Hawk (Ben 10)
- Birdman (Birdman and the Galaxy Trio)
- Birdmen (Buck Rogers)
- Azul (Combo Ninos)
- Talon (DC Animated Universe/Static Shock)
- Animal Man/Bernhard Baker (DC Comics)
- Beast Boy/Garfield Logan (DC Comics)
- Vanessa Kapatelis/Silver Swan (DC Comics)
- Vixen/Mari McCabe (DC Comics)
- Wenonah Littlebird/Owlwoman (DC Comics)
- Zookeeper/Samuel Register (DC Comics)
- Ernie The Giant Chicken (Family Guy)
- Puffy (The First Snow of Winter)
- Penny (George and Martha)
- Duke (George and Martha)
- Ally (Glitch Techs)
- Bluebird and her Baby Birds (Guess How Much I Love You)
- Experiment 323 "Hunkahunka" (Lilo & Stitch)
- Ticonderoga (The Longhouse Tales); Turkey
- Bird-Brain (Marvel Comics)
- BloodHawk (Marvel Comics)
- Cal'syee Neramani/Deathbird (Marvel Comics)
- Harpies (Marvel Comics)
- John Horton/Griffin (Marvel Comics)
- Leland Owlsley/Owl (Marvel Comics)
- Melissa Gold/Songbird (Marvel Comics)
- Redwing (Marvel Comics)
- Puffin Family (Puffin Rock)
- Oona
- Baba
- Mama Puffin
- Papa Puffin
- Margaret (Regular Show)
- Mordecai (Regular Show); Blue Jay
- Bjorn (Rocky and the Dodos)
- Elvis (Rocky and the Dodos)
- Ulrika (Rocky and the Dodos)
- Anthropomorphic canaries (Scaredy Squirrel)
- Momm
- Nestor
- Tekno the Canary (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Steve the Woodpecker (Son of Bigfoot/Bigfoot Family)
- Martin Milton (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
- Pete (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
- Puffin (Wishfart)
- Various Woodpeckers (Woody Woodpecker)
- Woody Woodpecker
- Quetzalcoatl (Godzilla: The Series)
- Horus/Heru (Egyptian Mythology)
- Isis/Aset (Egyptian Mythology)
- Nephthys/Nebet Het (Egyptian Mythology)
- Ra-Horakhty (Egyptian Mythology)
- Muhen (Philippine Mythology)
- Emma Tolly (Charlie Bone)
- The Flock (Maximum Ride)
- Maximum Ride (Maximum Ride)
- Dippe (Redwall series)
- Glokkpod the Shrike (Redwall series)
- Grall the Gull (Redwall series)
- Leaflad the Wren (Redwall series)
- Relph the Blackbird (Redwall series)
- Sparrows (Redwall series)
- Queen Warbeak
- Shapeshifters and shapeshifter-chameleons (Shadow Falls)
- Perry Gomez
- Roberto Esparza
- Great Eagles (Tolkienverse)
- Peregrine (Wild Cards series)
- Joshua Rauje (The Young Guardians)
Live Television/Movies[]
- Nora Darhk (Arrowverse/DC Comics)
- Vixen (Arrowverse/DC Comics)
- Mari McCabe
- Amaya Jiwe
- Secretary Bird (Bedknobs and Broomsticks)
- Wind Eagle (Chouseishin Series)
- Dyosa Cielo (DYOSA tv series)
- Bird Dopant (Kamen Rider W)
- Ymbrynes (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children)
- Mulawins and Ravenas (Mulawin)
- Avian Monsters (Power Rangers franchise)
- Chunky Chicken
- Fowler Birdie
- Peckster
- Turkey Jerk
- Zenowing
- Eagle Wildzord (Power Rangers Wild Force)
- Samurai Battlewing (Power Rangers Samurai)
- Samurai Gattai Daitenku (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger)
- Eagle Cosmic Zord (Power Ranger Cosmic Fury)
- Bird Kaiju (Ultra Q/Ultraman series)
- Litra
- Larugeus
- Star Bem Gyeron
- Pandon
- Terochilus
- Black Pigeon
- Birdon
- Flying Raidron
- Elegia
- Shiela
- Dexador
- Lidorias
- Basser
- Maga-Basser
- Guebasser
- Raibasser
- Hinabasser
- The Brow (Space Jam: A New Legacy)
- Giant Condor (Godzilla)
- Jet Falcon (Tomica Hero Rescue Fire)
- Heli Falcon (Tomica Hero Rescue Fire)
- Future bird species (The Future is Wild)
- Gannetwhale
- Carakiller
- Spink
- Great blue windrunner
- Roachcutter
- Spitfire Bird
- False Spitfire Bird
- Various bird-based Monsters (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Floowandereeze Archetype
- Stealth Bird
- Elemental Hero Avian
Video Games[]
- All the Birds (Angry Birds)
- Eagles (Animal Jam)
- Falcons (Animal Jam)
- Owls (Animal Jam)
- Penguins (Animal Jam)
- Animal Kaiser Game (Animal Kaiser)
- Master Icarus (Animal Kaiser)
- Master Daedalus (Animal Kaiser)
- Liberi Operators (Arknights)
- Aciddrop
- Astesia
- Bibeak
- Ceylon
- Elysium
- Flint
- GreyThroat
- Hellagur
- Magallan
- May
- Orchid
- Plume
- Ptilopsis
- Silence
- Snowsant
- Cronin
- Emperor
- Herman
- Doykos
- Mephisto
- Falcon Mcfly (Astro Bot)
- Breegulls (Banjo-Kazooie)
- Kazooie (Banjo-Kazooie)
- Barnaby (Billie Bust Up)
- Some Lightners (Monsters) (Deltarune)
- Berdly
- Banana Birds (Donkey Kong Country)
- Lowrie (The Gray Garden)
- Peraco (Ice Scream)
- Rock (Ice Scream)
- Swain, the Noxian Grand General (League of Legends)
- Loftwings (The Legend of Zelda)
- Ritos (The Legend of Zelda)
- Vah Medoh (The Legend of Zelda)
- Watarara Tribe (The Legend of Zelda)
- Bird People (Merc Storia)
- Moegami (Okami)
- Aya Shameimaru (Touhou Project)
- Hatate Himekaidou (Touhou Project)
- Kutaka Niwatari (Touhou Project)
- Mystia Lorelei (Touhou Project)
- Tokiko (Touhou Project)
- Utsuho Reiuji (Touhou Project)
- Ravens (Super Mario/Yoshi series)
- Jibberjays (Super Mario Galaxy 2)
- Bird-of-Paradise (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Peacock (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Memoca (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea)
- Nekoyama (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea)
- Bird Wyverns (Monster Hunter series)
Web Animation/Comics[]
- Ars Goetia demons (Helluva Boss)
- Anthropomorphic chickens (Koki)
- Koki
- Nevermore (RWBY)
- Qrow Branwen (RWBY)
- Raven Branwen (RWBY)
- Several Rahi (Bionicle)
- Eagle Legend Beast (Lego Legends of Chima)
- Eagle Tribe (Lego Legends of Chima)
- Birdie the Early Bird ("McDonald's")
Due to inheriting some of the Beast Titan's traits, Falco Grice's (Attack on Titan) Jaw Titan was very avian in appearance.
As well as possessing Sonic Scream, Talon (Static Shock) possesses bird-like prowess and traits.
Baron Tamago (One Piece) ate the Tama Tama no Mi which allows him to evolve from an egg into a chicken.
Pell (One Piece) ate the Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Falcon allowing him to turn into a falcon hybrid...
Miss Friday (One Piece) is a vulture and Baroque Works agent partnered with Mr 13. These two punish any agent who fails their mission.
Kars (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency), after becoming the ultimate life form, is able to take on the traits of any animal, including birds.
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (DC Comics) can transform into any kind of Avian creature along with any other kind of Animal.