Superpower Wiki

The power to cause awe. Variation of Emotion Inducement.

Also Called

  • Awestruck Inducement
  • Transfixed Inducement


The user has the power to inspire awe, an emotion that is a mix of surprise and fear, "an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like: in awe of God; in awe of great political figures."

Another definition is "mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, and wonder inspired by authority, genius, great beauty, sublimity, or might: We felt awe when contemplating the works of Bach. The observers were in awe of the destructive power of the new weapon."

In general, awe is directed at objects considered to be more powerful than the subject, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Grand Canyon, or the vastness of the cosmos.



Known Users

  • Glory Girl (Worm)