Superpower Wiki
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
― God (Isaiah 45:7)
"If I eliminate the black pawn, a white one must go too. It's an essential part of my quest to bring the world into complete balance."
― Equinox (Batman: The Brave and the Bold)
"And how does your cosmos fare, Ao?"
"They have restored the balance, Master. The Realms are once again secure."
― Being of Light and Lord Ao (Forgotten Realms)
"Perfectly balanced, as all things should be."
― Thanos (Avengers: Infinity War/Marvel Cinematic Universe)
"The irony of all existence is that good would be totally impotent without the contrast of evil."
― Carolinus (The Flight of Dragons)

The power to be in perfect balance with the universe and its forces. Sub-power of Balance Manipulation. Variation of Boundary Manipulation. Opposite to Equilibrium Defiance. Not to be confused with Enhanced Balance.

Also Called[]

  • Cosmic/Universal Balance
  • Equilibrium
  • The Idea of Yin and Yang
  • Perfect/Ultimate Balance


The user achieves perfect balance and harmony with themselves and all the fundamental forces of the universe and the transcendental realms, wielding control over them at will. They possess the unique ability to manipulate opposing forces simultaneously, such as darkness and light, heaven and hell, existence and nothingness, creation and destruction.

As their mastery deepens, advanced users become capable of combining two opposing forces without being harmed by either, attaining an equilibrium between these cosmic powers. This balance allows them to transcend the dichotomy of good and evil, gaining a universal perspective that surpasses conventional reasoning. Furthermore, they can influence a myriad of cosmic, mystical, and physical concepts, achieving equilibrium and equilibrium with each, be it the concept of infinite and finite, reality and illusion, and more. This unparalleled ability grants them infinite power and unrivaled adaptability.

The user, wielding the power of cosmic balance, stands as a force of nature, able to shape and mold the very fabric of existence itself. Their influence extends across the cosmic expanse, harmonizing opposing forces to maintain equilibrium throughout the universe. Such profound control over the cosmic order grants them an indomitable edge, as they harness the limitless potential residing in the delicate balance between all things.


The user attains a state of transcendence, neither perfect nor imperfect, free from the constraints of morality, and in complete harmony with all concepts. This balance grants them unparalleled understanding, allowing them to work effortlessly with both good and evil, light and darkness, and any opposing forces. This supreme equilibrium elevates them to a superior state, where they become true masters of balance. However, the extent of their omnipotence depends on the depth of this balance they achieve.

It is important to differentiate this state from Unity, as the user does not merge with everything but rather achieves balance with all aspects of existence. They are not bound by the conventional rules of life and death, for they transcend such limitations. This remarkable ability forms the very foundation of Boundary Manipulation, granting the user insight into the nature of boundaries and their manipulation.

The scale of Cosmic Balance is boundless, as the convergence of opposing paths yields uncertain outcomes. Advanced users harness this balance to create new concepts, fusing existing ones to form novel ideas. For instance, blending reality and illusion may lead to the emergence of Subjective Reality. Furthermore, the user can make opposing forces coexist in perfect harmony, bringing forth compatibility beyond conventional limits.

In essence, the user transcends all dualities, becoming an enigmatic and incomprehensible force. They embody true neutrality, rising above any and all forms of duality, achieving the ultimate state of perfect balance. This harmony empowers them beyond the grasp of mortal understanding, making them a formidable presence in the cosmic tapestry of existence.




Known Users[]

Known Objects[]

