Superpower Wiki

The power to possess volatile-based psychic powers. Destructive version of Psionics. Not to be confused with Ballistics Manipulation or Mastery. Psychic variation of Power Instability.

Also Called[]

  • Erratic/Explosive/Inconsistent/Unstable/Volatile Psionics
  • Overwhelming Psionic/Psychic Power/Force


The user possesses a destruction variation of psionics, transitioning to the user being confined to unleashing and executing damaging, harmful, or negative aspects of every or an arsenal of psychic abilities in existence. The user's psionic circumstance could result from mental disorders, the volatile nature of their powers, or possessing excessive psionic might their body and mind cannot contain, constantly leaking without conscious thought. The user's power/skill varies between franchises and series, from those who can unleash destruction on a local scale (impacting their house, nearby houses, neighbors, friends, powerlines, piping) to a metropolitan area (cities, parks, state parks, stadiums, freeways, skyscrapers or tall structures) and above.




  • May only be triggered as a psychic defense mechanism.
  • Users are limited to manipulating dangerous psychic abilities.
    • The user may unleash havoc across their surroundings.

Known Users[]


