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The power to use the abilities of a Bashe. A mix of Mythical Bestiary and Spirit Physiology. Variation of Yaoguai Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Bashe Mimicry


Users of this ability can take on the traits of a Bashe (or are one), the Bashe is an evil spirit from Chinese mythology that takes the form of a gigantic snake infamous for their ability to devour elephants, the Bashe was likely based upon the python and due to their sheer scale they became a focus on certain tales and warnings about human greed, comparing greed to that of the legendary serpents and their fearsome appetite.

The Bashe were part of a group of evil entities in Chinese cosmology known as Yaouguai.





  • Vulnerable to certain magic and rituals, especially those related to the Ancient Chinese.
  • Vulnerable to Monster Slayers.

Known Users[]

  • Bashe (Chinese Mythology)
  • Bashe (Fairy Tale Parade)