The ability to manipulate being. Sub-power of Existence Manipulation. Not to be confused with Entity Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Being Control/Warping
- Being Process Manipulation
User can manipulate the existential properties of the target. Meaning that they can affect the events, circumstances, statuses and situation of the target. The user can set when an object or subject exists, when it disappears, what it encounters, what things it interacts with. In short, the user is beyond the concept of time and event and can manipulate the life stories, all processes and interactions of all living and non-living things.
The user can manipulate their own existence. They can manipulate the beginnings of their own being. Users are all-powerful over themselves. They can essentially do anything, like granting oneself all powers/abilities, becoming one with everything, attaining true perfection, etc. Also, because of this, the user is immune to all being-based powers.
Existence Manipulation and Being manipulation can be confused with each other. A note needs to be made to avoid this confusion. Existence Manipulation is more comprehensive, a concept of power that pertains to all existence in general. However, this power deals with the existential situation of a target, and it can be said that the use of power is limited to the target or focused on the target.
- Autopotence: User can influence their own existence processes and can change themself in every way.
- Being Immunity: User is immune to the being-based powers and has a unique timeline/being.
- Circumstance Manipulation: User can manipulate circumstances, defined as "a condition, detail, part, or attribute, with respect to time, place, manner, agent, etc., that accompanies, determines, or modifies a fact or event; a modifying or influencing factor".
- Situation Manipulation: User can manipulate context; the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which something can be fully understood, or the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.
- Status Manipulation: User can manipulate the state/status of anything/everything. Status can include things like alive or dead, active or sedentary, awake or asleep, human/god or mortal/immortal, weak or strong, healthy or injured, intelligent or not, quantity, quality, mobile or immobile, whether one heals from injuries or not, change or stagnation, whether something/anything or someone/anyone exists or not, what boundary anyone/anything is etc.
- Meta Event Manipulation: User can manipulate all events and processes.
- Absolute Change: User can change absolutely anything and everything, either completely or partially, permanently or temporarily, from physical things like humans and objects to metaphysical things like concepts and logic, etc. regardless of the target's immunities.
- Causality Manipulation: Users can manipulate causality, the relationship between causes and effects, allowing them to decide what happens and what doesn't, when and how.
- Potentiality Lordship: User governs the potential of everything that is and isn't, thereby deciding whatever can and cannot happen - like whatever kind of interaction is able to take place, laying out a framework of impossibilities in the process that isn't opposable by any means, as to do so, the necessary potential is required in the first place.
- Coexistence Manipulation: User can manipulate coexistence, the state of two or more entities existing in the same location at the same time.
- Interaction Manipulation: User can create, shape, and manipulate interactions, whether social, physical, metaphysical, magical, etc. A collection of different interactions, when combined, can lead to the creation of surprisingly emergent phenomena.
- Space-Time Manipulation: Users are able to manipulate, bend, distort, control and fold the space-time continuum, the fabrics of reality & existence itself in which all and everything exist in.
- Absolute Change: User can change absolutely anything and everything, either completely or partially, permanently or temporarily, from physical things like humans and objects to metaphysical things like concepts and logic, etc. regardless of the target's immunities.
- Dimensional Manipulation
- Existence Manipulation
- Experience Manipulation
- Parallel Existence Manipulation
- Possibility Manipulation
- Probability Manipulation
- Reality Warping
- Truth Manipulation
- Universal Manipulation
Known Users[]
- Zeus (Clash of the Titans)