The power to use the abilities of a bicorn. Variation of Mythical Bestiary and Horse Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Bicorn Mimicry
- Chichevache Mimicry/Physiology (Female Equivalent)
A user with this ability either is or can transform into a Bicorn, a horse-like creature with two carving horns on its forehead. It is considered to be the unholy version of the unicorn. Unlike the unicorn, they are attracted to evil or corrupted people and become mounts for them. They are known to eat people who are kind-hearted and devoted.
- Bovine/Horse Physiology
- Corruption Embodiment
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Endurance
- Enhanced Stamina
- Horn Protrusion
- Unicorn Physiology (Holy Equivalent)
- Other abilities of the user may be tied to his/her horn.
Known Users[]
See Also: Hellish Horses
- Bicorn (Dungeon Meshi)
- Bicorn (English Folklore)
- Bicorn (Harry Potter)
- Bicorn (Kinnikuman)
- Bicorn (Megami Tensei series)
- Bicorn (Overlord)