The power to manipulate air and gaseous matter with one’s biofield. Variation of Bio-Element Manipulation, Air Manipulation, and Gas Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Bio-Aerokinesis
- Bio-Benzikinesis
- Bio-Gas Manipulation
The user can create, shape, and manipulate air and gaseous matter with their biofield. They can control any gaseous substance as well as their natural properties. More advanced users can eventually use this power to even manipulate one's own vocals and soundwaves, as well control vacuums.
- Aerial Adaptation
- Air Empowerment
- Air Manipulation
- Air Solidification
- Air Transmutation
- Bio-Air Energy Manipulation
- Bio-Thermal Manipulation
- Breath Manipulation
- Enhanced Breath
- Gas Manipulation
- Manipulate the properties of bio-air.
- Move/lift bio-air.
- Aerokinetic Flight using bio-air.
- Matter Surfing by riding bio-air.
- Nature Communication
- Elemental Connection with the air
- Vacuum Empowerment
- Vacuum Manipulation
- Bio-Element Manipulation
- Bio-Plasma Manipulation by ionizing bio air, one can gain bio-plasmic powers.
- Bio-Weather Manipulation
- Elemental Manipulation
- Superior Human Physiology
- Weather Manipulation
Known Users[]
- Red Tornado (DC Comics)
- Black Wind (DC Comics)
- Cloud 9 (DC Comics)
- Nightstorm (DC Comics)
- Windfall (DC Comics)
- Destoroyah (Godzilla)
- Crystal (Marvel Comics)
- Wind Dancer (Marvel Comics)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Colin Hume/Windshear (Marvel Comic)
- Ororo Munroe/Storm (Marvel Comics)
- Squall (Valiant Entertainment)
- Omar Kamadev/Styrian (Wildstorm Comics)
- Sarah Rainmaker (Wildstorm Comics)