Superpower Wiki

The ability to manipulate bio-electromagnetic fields. Combo of Bio-Electricity Manipulation and Bio-Magnetism Manipulation. Variation of Bio-Energy Manipulation.

Also Called

  • Bio-Electromagnokinesis


The user can manipulate the EM fields produced by living beings to effect subatomic or particle latices.

Utilizing the natural EM force within, they can exert conscious control over sub-atomic electromagnetic particles carrying the force of attraction between atoms and molecules of ones own body. Granting any manner of superhuman physical capabilities, such as density shifting, neuro-psychological reordering, direct interface with electronic apparati, etc.

Making external application of such abilities enables one to cast themselves into the wider electroreceptory network of the world around them. Able to affect mechanical energy in order to materialize loose formed particles into solid shape, read & sense the minds of others over long distances and affect matter in a telekinetic fashion.




Known Users

  • Necromorphs (Dead Space)
  • Human Dynamo (DC Comics)
  • Emotional Entities (DC Comics)
  • Kryptonians (DC Comics)
  • Mogo (DC Comics)
  • Speedsters (DC Comics)
  • Spark (DC Comics)
  • Triumph (DC Comics)
  • Cole McGrath (InFAMOUS)
  • Bedlam (Marvel Comics)
  • King Bedlam (Marvel Comics) (formerly)
  • Ion (Marvel Comics)
  • MeMe (Marvel Comics)
  • Sienna Blaze (Marvel Comics)
  • Syndicate (Luke and Matthew) (Marvel Comics)
  • Will O' The Wisp (Marvel Comics)
  • Livewire (Valiant Entertainment)

