The power to transform into or have a physical body made up of malleable living metal. Advanced variation of Metal Mimicry.
Also Called[]
- Amorphous Metal Physiology/Mimicry
- Living Metal Physiology/Mimicry
- Organic Metal Physiology/Mimicry
- Self-Metal Physiology/Mimicry
The user is made up of or can transform their body completely into malleable living metal, which grants them superior physical strength, high resilience to most kind of attacks and first-rate regenerative abilities (no structural weakness). They can harden/soften and mold their body to fit the needs of every situation, shapeshift all kinds of bladed weapons, strengthen their defenses via additional layers, conceal themselves by mimicking their environment, or even scatter their body to cover more ground without attracting attention.
Some users may also grow more powerful by consuming metal, and even gain a variety of new abilities by consuming exotic metals with unique properties.
Applications (General)[]
- Various Metal-Based Powers
Applications (Detailed)[]
- Amorphous Physiology: Body is composed of a flexible, amorphous substance that can be manipulated in a variety of ways.
- Bio-Metal Manipulation: Create, shape and manipulate bio-metal, a special metallic substance that has all the properties of metal while also being biological/organic of nature. Because this metal is alive, it can think on its own, change shape, and bond to a host.
- Amorphous Solid Manipulation:
- Esoteric Metal Manipulation
- Ferro Energy Manipulation: Manipulate, control and absorb the energy released naturally by metals.
- Ductility Manipulation
- Ferrokinetic Constructs
- Manipulate the properties of bio-metal, such as density, color, shape, state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma), hardness, ductility, elasticity, etc.
- Liquid Metal Manipulation
- Metal Generation
- Metal Attacks
- Metal Manipulation
- Move/lift by manipulating bio-metal.
- Elemental Flight: Fly, glide and/or levitate through the manipulation of bio-metal.
- Matter Surfing: using bio-metal.
- Self-Form Manipulation: Create, shape and manipulate the forms of oneself, others or objects to achieve a new appearance, new powers and new auras. (Varies)
- Self-Mode Manipulation: Create, shape and manipulate modes, specialized states and/or transformations that enable particular abilities, usually aimed at addressing and managing specific entities, environments or circumstances.
- Bio-Metallic Symbiotic Exoskeleton
- Bionic Physiology
- Metal Manipulation
- Shapeshifting
- Superior Human Physiology
- May have metal-related weaknesses, like Magnetism and Corrosion.
- Users may be vulnerable to high-level Energy Manipulation/Elemental Manipulation.
Known Users[]
- Galvanic Mechamorphs (Ben 10)
- Biot-savartians (Ben 10)
- Cybertronian (Transformers comics)
- Shrapnel (DC Comics)
- Tony Woodward/Girder (DC Comics)
- Several Machine Mutants (Dragon Ball GT)
- Baby
- General Rilldo
- Sigma Force
- Commander Nezi
- Bizu
- Ribet
- Natt
- Absorbing Man (Marvel Comics); when replicating metal
- Cessily Kincaid/Mercury (Marvel Comics)
- Silver Surfer (Marvel Comics)
- Meltan & Melmetal (Pokémon)
- Jackie Carmichael (Regular Show)
- The Engineer (Stormwatch)
- T-1000 (Terminator 2)
- Rev-9 (Terminator: Dark Fate)
- T-X (Terminator: Rise of the Machines)
- Nobles from the House of Mayerling (Vampire Hunter D); only their hands and in some cases their capes.
- Necrons (Warhammer 40,000)
- Weld ("Worm")
- Ray Pearce (X-Files)
- Warblade (Wildstorm Universe)