The power to manipulate both light and darkness with one's biofield. Combination of Bio-Light Manipulation and Bio-Darkness Manipulation. Variation of Twilight Manipulation. Sub-power of Bio-Element Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Bio-Twilikinesis
- Living Dawn Manipulation
The user can channel their bio-energy field to create, shape, and manipulate light, darkness, and their aspects. They can manifest and harness any properties of these two concepts inside and around them.
- Bio-Darkness Manipulation
- Bio-Light Manipulation
- Darkness Empowerment
- Darkness Mimicry
- Illusion Energy Manipulation
- Light Empowerment
- Light Mimicry
- Light-Darkness Manipulation
Known Users[]
- Kong Kenan/New Super-Man (DC Comics)
- Mr. Negative/Martin Li (Marvel Comics)
- Tassadar (Starcraft)
Known Items[]
- The Witchblade (Image/Top Cow)