The power to gain an artificial substitute form. Variation of Bionic Physiology. Opposite of Spinal-Based Cybernetic Enhancement and Cybernetic Body Armor Implantation.
Also Called[]
- Bodily Cybernetic Enhancement
- Brain-Implanted Robotic Body
- Surrogate Cybernetic Body
The user can acquire a substitute form from their original/biological one whether their own body is severely damaged or not, often by transferring a vital organ such as the brain or the consciousness of the user into a robot body fully operational by the user. This surrogate body grants cybernetic enhancements to the user based on the design elements and technologicaly available to them.
- Body transferring from a human form to a robot one.
- Powers from Cybernetic Enhancements or Bionic Physiology.
- Automaton Physiology
- Human Physiology: Their surrogate forms may appear to look human.
- Artificial Body Parts/Robotic Body Parts
- Bionic Physiology
- Cybernetic Enhancement
- Cybernetic Metal Skeleton/High-Tech Exoskeleton
- Superior Human Physiology
Known Users[]
- Various characters (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Vilgax (Ben 10 Franchise)
- Cliff Steele/Robotman (DC Comics)
- The Brain (DC Comics)
- Egg Fu (DC Comics)
- Utimate Man (DC Comics)
- Brainiac (DC Comics)
- Metallo (DC Comics)
- Cooler (Dragon Ball Z); via the Big Gete Star
- Ene (Kagerou Project)
- Ichiro Inuyashiki (Inuyashiki)
- Hiro Shishigami (Inuyashiki)
- Winds of Destruction (Metal Gear Rising)
- Mistral
- Monsoon
- Raiden (Metal Gear Solid)
- Rita Repulsa (Power Rangers)
- Echo (Star Wars)
- General Grievous (Star Wars)
- Surrogates (Surrogate)
- Baxter Stockman (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003 TV series)
- Fugitoid/Honeycutt (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series/IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- William Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- Danny Chase/Mother-Thrall (Young Justice)
- Terminators (Terminator series)
- T-H
- Marcus Wright (Infiltration Prototype)
- T-H
- Silas (Transformers Prime)
Donatello/Donbot (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series), in an alternate future, had his mind transferred to Metalhead MK-II after his body was badly damaged.
Due to near-fatal injuries, Donatello's (IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) had to have his mind transferred to Metalhead while his body healed.
Using the Big Gete Star, Cooler (Dragon Ball Z) can construct Meta-Coolers to serve as replacement bodies.
As a result of Billy's failed attempt to resurrect Zordon, Rita Repulsa (Power Rangers) was resurrected in the body of Alpha 8, becoming Robo-Rita.
Dr. Gero (Dragon Ball Z) transferred his human brain into his android body, thus becoming Android 20.