- "The air quivers. The annihilation range only grows. Buildings are reduced to rubble, the ground is crushed, and every car, telephone pole, fire hydrant, is sucked into the sphere as if tumbling. The sphere was black—- but it wasn’t colored black. The sphere has no color. But the overwhelmingly strong gravity was trapping even the light behind it, making the sphere look black. A natural disaster of space itself, more terrifying than any explosion, any scientific reaction. A black hole."
- ― Bungo Stray Dogs: Stormbringer
The power to generate black holes. Sub-power of Gravitational Singularity Generation and Black Hole Manipulation. Technique of Gravity Manipulation and Spatial Manipulation. Opposite to White Hole Creation. Not to be confused with Void Creation.
Also Called[]
- Black Hole Generation/Projection
Users are able to create, shape, and contract black holes, a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing – no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light – can escape from it. With this ability, users can cause indiscriminate and inescapable mass destruction, ripping buildings and people down to sub-atomic particles, consuming entire cities or continents, absorbing anything and everything into it never to be seen again and more. With enough precision, one can generate black holes defensively, sucking in the attacks or weapons of aggressors, completely nullifying any form of offense that may be inflicted. However, users may not be immune to the effects of the black holes they create, and size and attractive power vary with user's power and abilities.
- Gravity Manipulation
- Radiation Generation (Hawking Radiation): Black holes emit type of black body radiation, which actually reduces the size and mass of black holes to the point of diminishing them.
- Singularity Inducement
- Supernova Inducement (Despite only being a possibility and not a guaranteed scenario, its said that once a gigantic black hole collapses and disappears, it will cause a ridiculously massive supernova explosion, which can generate dangerous gamma rays.)
- Vacuum Creation: Small black holes can suck and absorb matter to its singularity, pulling matter into nothingness, usefull as cosmic-based vacuum cleaner. Star-sized black holes can absorb even planets.
- Black Hole Manipulation
- Gravitational Singularity Generation: The power to generate the center of a black hole is compulsory in order for this power to work.
- Gravity Manipulation
- Nothingness Manipulation
- Space-Time Manipulation
- White Hole Creation
- Wormhole Creation
- Void Creation
- Spatial Manipulation
- Users with solely Gravity Manipulation can repel from a black hole, through gravity, distancing themselves.
- Even though its created from the fabric of a black hole's quantum field, hawking radiation ironically destroys black holes due to the fact it reduces not only its mass, but also its size manually in order to evaporate them over time, and then possibly detonate as a supernova, at least depending on the size. The bigger black holes are less prone if not immune to that process, taking countless, if not an infinite amount of years for that to happen.
- Users of Space-Time Manipulation may be able to counter the distortion of the black hole, or even destroy it as opposed to creating them.
- May not be immune to the effects of the black holes they create.
Known Users[]
- Andy W. Hole (Aquarion Evol)
- Fleet of Fog (Arpeggio of Blue Steel); via Klein field
- Dark Schneider (Bastard!!)
- Tunpo/Don Fue (Battle Angel Alita: Last Order); vie D-Ripper
- Yami Sukehiro (Black Clover)
- Brooklyn and Zeus (Beyblade G-Revolution)
- Thomas Andre (Solo Leveling)
- Twisted Tempo (Beyblade Metal Saga)
- Sho Fukamachi/Guyver Gigantic Exceed (Bio-Booster Armor Guyver)
- Chūya Nakahara (Bungo Stray Dogs)
- Jet (Denma)
- Nono (Diebuster)
- Zinv (Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure)
- Shiki Granbell (Edens Zero); Overdrive
- Jellal Fernandes (Fairy Tail)
- Bluenote Stinger (Fairy Tail)
- Kuroha Neko (Gokukoku No Brynhildr); after she regains her memories
- Buster Machine #3 (Gunbuster)
- Heidi (Hungry Joker)
- Djoser (Im: Great Priest Imhotep)
- Miroku (Inuyasha) via curse
- Yuki Tsukumo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
- Enma Kozato (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
- Black Hole (Kinnikuman)
- Shijou Momoka (Mahou Sensou)
- Lance Crown (Mashle: Magic and Muscles)
- Ishiguro (Mob Psycho 100)
- Thirteen (My Hero Academia)
- Albireo Imma (Negima! Magister Negi Magi)
- Jack Rakan (Negima! Magister Negi Magi)
- Marshall D. Teach/Blackbeard (One Piece)
- Ainz Ooal Gown (Overlord)
- Dragon God (Project A-Ko)
- Hao Asakura (Shaman King); via Great Spirit
- Idol (Tenchi Muyo GXP)
- Shundan Kimi (Toaru Kagaku no Railgun)
- Moon (Toriko)
- Yumiella Dolkness (Villainess Level 99)
- Brago (Zatch Bell!)
- Rimuru Tempest (That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime)
- Gannet Granatus (Kinsou no Vermeil)
- Atomic-X (Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Galilean (Ben 10: Omniverse)
- Gravattack
- Nuhvok-Kal (Bionicle)
- Bora Ra (Boboiboy the Movie)
- Thom Kallor/Starman (DC Comics)
- Von Nebula (Hero Factory)
- Mongolian Fireball Users (Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness)
- 606/Holio (Lilo and Stitch)
- Azimuth (Marvel Comics)
- Silver Surfer (Marvel Comics)
- Johnny Sunspot (Super Robot Monkey Team HyperForce Go!)
- Jackie Estacado (The Darkness)
- Obscura (World of Winx)
- Solar, Man of the Atom (Valiant Comics)
Live Television[]
- Chester P Runk (DC Comics/Arrowverse)
- Time Lords and several races and technologies (Doctor Who)
- Stephen Canfield (Heroes)
- Evolto/Kamen Rider Evol (Kamen Rider Build); via Black Hole Form
- Alien Rayblood (Ultraman series)
- Ultraman Dyna (Ultraman series); via Miracle Type
- Felix (Wizards of Waverly Place)
- Professor Crumbs (Wizards of Waverly Place)
- Hyper Show (Blue Swat); via the Drum Gun
Video Games[]
- Horizon (Apex Legends); via N.E.W.T
- Caos ("Ascend: Reborn"); via worshipping the Void deity
- Subject Sigma (Bioshock 2)
- Bulzeeb/Regulus (Bomberman 64: The Second Attack)
- Rukifellth (Bomberman 64: The Second Attack)
- White Bomber (Bomberman 64: The Second Attack)
- Charlotte Aulin (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin); via Dark Rift
- Magus (Chrono Trigger)
- Exdeath (Final Fantasy V)
- Enigma (Dota 2)
- Add (Elsword)
- Aisha (Elsword)
- Ara Haan/Eun (Elsword)
- Elsword (Elsword)
- Eve (Elsword); via Code: Exotic
- Raven (Elsword)
- Kat (Gravity Rush/Daze)
- Herrscher of the Void (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Palutena (Kid Icarus)
- Marx (Kirby)
- Magolor Soul (Kirby)
- Chaos Golem (Loki: Heroes of Mythology)
- Egyptian (Loki: Heroes of Mythology)
- Super Peach's Castle of Fury (Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story)
- Galaxy Man (Mega Man)
- Mega Man (Mega Man); via certain weapons
- Saturn (Mega Man)
- MegaMan.EXE (Mega Man Battle Network)
- Grabiti (Mega Man Star Force)
- Mega Man (Mega Man Star Force)
- Sirius (Mega Man Star Force)
- Mega Man X (Mega Man X); via certain weapons
- The Scientist Job (Miitopia)
- Fire God Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat)
- Sharuru (Mugen Souls)
- Scion (Nova Drift)
- Zarya (Overwatch); via Gravitron Surge
- Dusclops (Pokémon)
- Gardevoir (Pokémon)
- Pokémon that can use "Black Hole Eclipse" (Pokémon)
- Robloxians (ROBLOX); via Black Hole Bomb and several other items
- Mercurius (Shinza Bansho); via Disce Libens
- Blackout (Skylanders)
- Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog); via Violet Void
- Infinite (Sonic Forces)
- Crazy Hand (Super Smash Bros.)
- Hafling (Totally Accurate Battle Simulator); via bug DLC
- Asriel Dreemurr (Undertale)
- John Dalton (Unreal II: The Awakening); via Singularity Cannon
- Toscs (Unreal II: The Awakening); via Singularity Cannon
- Ginseigo/Minato Hikaru (Full Metal Daemon Muramasa); via Black Hole Fairy
- Cosmic Alan (Hungry Shark World)
Web Original[]
- (SCP Foundation)
- Hosts of the Absolute Solver (Murder Drones)
- Calliope (Homestuck)
Known Objects[]
- Black Hole Gun (Destroy All Humans!)
- Black Hole Staff (Hero Factory)
- Eden Star (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Bankohan (Houshin Engi)
- Black Hole Grenade (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Space Stone (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- The M490 Blackstorm (Mass Effect 2)
- The Blackhole-inator (Odd Squad)
- Yami Yami no Mi (One Piece)
- Dark Energem (Power Rangers Dino Super Charge)
- Red Matter (Star Trek, 2009 film)
- Heart of Darkness (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
- Minecraft Game Icon (Animation vs. Minecraft)
Known Powers/Techniques[]
- Bom Ba Ye (Jujutsu Kaisen)