Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of a bladed dragon. Combination of Sword Mimicry and Dragon Physiology. Variation of Superior Dragon.

Also Called[]

  • Blade Dragon Physiology
  • Cutting Dragon Physiology
  • Edge Dragon Physiology
  • Slashing Dragon Physiology
  • Sword Dragon Physiology


User is or can transform into a bladed dragon. A species of dragon whose body is made up of blades around them through natural or artificial means. An example would be a dragon with the ability to turn parts of their body into blades or traits of blades. The dragon could also use magic or outside sources to construct various blades around their bodies.

These dragons are naturally formidable, for combined with the natural physical capabilities all dragons possess, a bladed dragon can be even more lethal as their body is extremely sharp. This can range from their wings, tails, and naturally their claws. Their physiology can also serve as a defensive measure, that anyone who strikes them will instead receive damage in the form of cuts and slashes. Additionally, the dragons themselves may be resilient or immune to bladed weapons or cutting-based attacks.




  • Might not be immune to bladed weapons design to slay dragons
  • Still vulnerable to non-bladed weapons and non-cutting attacks
  • They could still be outmatched by dragon gods
  • Their blades might be chipped and cannot be healed

Known Users[]

  • Blade Dragon, Jigsawsaurus (Cardfight!! Vanguard)
  • Kiria (Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest)
  • Suzaku (Fairy Tail: 100 Year Quest)
  • Haxorus Evolution Line (Pokémon)
    • Axew
    • Fraxure
    • Haxorus
  • Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Blade Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh)
  • Kuibelt the Bladed Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh)
  • Lancer (Moonlit Fantasy)

