Superpower Wiki

The power to induce either positive or negative sensations in other people. A sub-power of Emotion Manipulation.

Also Called

  • Pleasure/Discomfort Inducement


The user is able to make people feel extreme pleasure or discomfort. Used as a weapon, this power can effectively incapacitate victims with weakness and nausea.




  • Cannot cause both bliss and horror at the same time.
  • May require physical touch.
  • Only works on creatures that can experiene such feelings.
  • May only work when under certain emotions. Ex.If a person feels nervous or frightened, the user will either make them feel pleasure to feel comfortable or make them feel horror to intimate them.

Known Users

  • Guillame (Heroes)
  • Jonas Englin (Alphas)
  • Jane (Twilight Series)
  • Slime (Ghostbusters 2)