The ability to have the traits of a Blue Man of the Minch, a mythical sea-demon from Scottish legend. Variation of Mythic Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Storm-Kelpie Physiology
Users of this power can take on the powers of the Blue Men of the Minch or are a member of this species. The Blue Men are a unique sea-demon found in Scottish folklore who inhabit a stretch of ocean known as the Minch. While they are known as "storm-kelpies," they rarely, if ever, appear as horses and are instead, depicted as blue-skinned men, often elderly, who will bob and sway in the sea like a porpoise.
When encountering sailors, the Blue Men can start vicious storms but will become more playful when the weather is calm; however, their idea of "play" can be quite malicious and they like to capsize boats and drown sailors. They do have a sort of honor system, and their leaders will challenge sailors to complete the verses of their poems. If successful, the sailors will be left alone by the Blue Men, but if they fail, then the demons will sink the ship or board said ship and demand tribute in pirate-like raids.
- Vulnerable to religious relics, icons and prayers.
- Vulnerable to most fairy weaknesses (cold iron etc).
- Will be forced to stop an attack if their leaders' challenge is accepted.
Known Users[]
- Blue Men of the Minch (Scottish Folklore)