Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate bounciness. Sub-power of Impact Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Bounciness Control
  • Deflectivity Manipulation/Control
  • Springiness Manipulation/Control


The user can manipulate bounciness, the quality of a substance that rebounds. The user has control on how well a substance or matter bounces objects or sometimes even energy and magic off itself. This allows them perform various techniques. The user makes the surface they are on extremely bouncy to perform great leaps. Another trick they can do is negate Deflection by removing the property for objects to bounce of them. The user can also apply bounciness to themself or their clothing in order bounce attacks off of them.

Note: The user doesn't necessarily have to make a substance elastic. Some users can still achieve this ability while still keeping the substance stiff or rigid.



  • Instant Acceleration - By causing a surface to become so bouncy that it instantly accelerates whatever's on it.



  • The user may have limits as to how bouncy or unbouncy they can make objects.
  • May be limited to certain objects.

Known Users[]

  • Treat (The Law of Ueki Plus)
  • Gentle Criminal (My Hero Academia)