Abilities that are related to death, resurrection and necromancy.
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- Absolute Death Inducement
- Absolute Death Manipulation
- Absolute Stench
- Abyss Manipulation
- Acerbic Pheromones
- Acidic Touch
- Acidity Manipulation
- Trait:After-Death Power Continuity
- Afterlife Border
- Afterlife Connection
- Afterlife Creation
- Archetype:Afterlife Deity
- Afterlife Destruction
- Afterlife Embodiment
- Archetype:Afterlife Entity
- Afterlife Judgement
- Afterlife Lordship
- Afterlife Manipulation
- Afterlife Marking
- Afterlife Merging
- Afterlife Prevention
- Afterlife Transcendence
- Afterlife Transport
- Afterlife Traveling
- All-Out Force Charge
- Amortality
- Apocalyptic Magic
- Apocalyptic Symbiosis
- Archetype:Aspect of Death
- Assassination Mastery
- Atmosphere Destruction
- Avatar Symbiosis
- Calaca Physiology
- Carcass Generation
- Carcass Manipulation
- Caustic Phasing
- Cellular Disintegration
- Cemetery Empowerment
- Cemetery Lordship
- Cemetery Manipulation
- Character Erasure
- Chindi Physiology
- Chthoniscience
- Coffin Creation
- Coffin Manipulation
- Communing
- Constant State of Death
- Controlled Continuation
- Corpse Conversion
- Corpse Possession
- Cranial Explosion
- Archetype:Curse Deity/Tatarigami
- Dark Organic Manipulation
- Archetype:Day of the Dead Entity
- Trait:Dead Aversion
- Dead Aversion Inducement
- Archetype:Death
- Death Absorption
- Death Breath
- Death By Horror
- Death By Laughter
- Death By Sex
- Death Connection
- Death Data Manipulation
- Death Defiance
- Archetype:Death Deity
- Death Derivation
- Death Element Generation
- Death Element Manipulation
- Death Embodiment
- Death Empowerment
- Death Field Projection
- Death Illusion
- Death Inducement
- Death Infusion
- Death Knight Companionship
- Death Lordship
- Death Magic
- Death Manipulation
- Death Negation
- Death Organic Manipulation
- Death Pillar Projection
- Death Presence
- Death Prevention
- Death Ray Emission
- Death Recreation
- Death Removal
- Death Science
- Death Sense
- Death Shadow
- Death Slash
- Death Sound
- Death Transcendence
- Death Transferal
- Death Transformation
- Death Weaponry
- Death Whisper
- Trait:Death-Dependent Power
- Death-Force Absorption
- Death-Force Arts
- Death-Force Attacks
- Death-Force Aura
- Death-Force Ball Projection
- Death-Force Beam Emission
- Death-Force Blast
- Death-Force Bolt Projection
- Death-Force Bomb Generation
- Death-Force Breath
- Death-Force Bullet Projection
- Death-Force Combat
- Death-Force Constructs
- Death-Force Cutting
- Death-Force Defense
- Death-Force Empowerment
- Death-Force Generation
- Death-Force Infusion
- Death-Force Manipulation
- Death-Force Mimicry
- Death-Force Object
- Death-Force Power Link
- Death-Force Ranged Weaponry
- Death-Force Shield Construction
- Death-Force Solidification
- Death-Force Symbiosis
- Death-Force Wave Emission
- Death-Force Weaponry
- Death-Powers Bestowal
- Decapitation
- Decay Bestowal
- Decay Embodiment
- Decay Immunity
- Decay Power Link
- Decay Reversal
- Decaying Touch
- Deceased Power Replication
- Deceased Shapeshifting
- Decomposition Beam Emission
- Decomposition Manipulation
- Defilement
- Deforestation Embodiment
- Degradation Bestowal
- Archetype:Destroyer Angel
- Destruction Symbiosis
- Deteriorant Communication
- Dezombification
- Disintegration Aura
- Archetype:Divine Murderer
- Double Hit Kill
- Ecto-Psionics
- Ecto-Warping
- Ectokinetic Combat
- Ectokinetic Constructs
- Ectoplasm Arts
- Ectoplasm Infusion
- Ectoplasm Magic
- Ectoplasm Manipulation
- Ectoplasmic Cloning
- Ectoplasmic Creature Creation
- Ectoplasmic Defense
- Ectoplasmic Vision
- Ectoplasmic Weaponry
- Embolism Inducement
- Enhanced Violence
- Enhanced Violence/Absolute
- Enucleation
- Erasure
- Eternal Rest Inducement
- Extinction Inducement
- Extinction Manipulation
- Extinction Reversal
- Extra Life Bestowal
- Extra Life Manipulation
- Extra Life Obtainment