When the user interacts with something, it empowers the user. This could be an object, force, deity, event, activity, or anything else.
Opposite to Aversion.
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All items (277)
- Age Empowerment
- Alchemy Empowerment
- Alcohol Empowerment
- Ally Empowerment
- Almighty Empowerment
- Ancient Empowerment
- Angelic Empowerment
- Animal Empowerment
- Anti-Energy Empowerment
- Anti-Force Empowerment
- Anti-Magic Empowerment
- Anti-Power Empowerment
- Anti-Spell Empowerment
- Antimatter Empowerment
- Antiparticle Empowerment
- Apocalyptic Empowerment
- Appearance Empowerment
- Archetype Empowerment
- Architecture Empowerment
- Arena Empowerment
- Armor Empowerment
- Art Empowerment
- Artificial Forces Empowerment
- Aspect Empowerment
- Astrological Empowerment
- Astronomical Object Empowerment
- Augmentation Field Projection
- Aura Charging
- Aura Empowerment
- Caffeine Empowerment
- Cape Empowerment
- Card Empowerment
- Cemetery Empowerment
- Charging
- Chemical Empowerment
- Chess Empowerment
- Chi Empowerment
- Chocolate Empowerment
- Color Empowerment
- Combined Force Empowerment
- Concept Empowerment
- Conditional Invulnerability
- Conditional Omnipotence
- Conditional Power
- Consciousness State Empowerment
- Constellation Empowerment
- Continuum Empowerment
- Crest Empowerment
- Curse Empowerment
- Eldritch Empowerment
- Embodiment Empowerment
- Empowered State
- Energizing Field Creation
- Energy Matter Empowerment
- Energy Sourcing
- Entertainment Empowerment
- Entity Empowerment
- Environmental Empowerment
- Esoteric Empowerment
- Evil Empowerment
- Evolution Empowerment
- Existential Plane Empowerment
- Eye Empowerment
- Machine Empowerment
- Magic Empowerment
- Manifested Empowerment
- Matter Empowerment
- Melanin Empowerment
- Momentum Empowerment
- Monetary Empowerment
- Monster Empowerment
- Morphogenetic Field Empowerment
- Multiversal Force Empowerment
- Music Empowerment
- Musical Empathy
- Mutation Empowerment
- Mysticism Empowerment
- Mythical Empowerment
- Paper Empowerment
- Parasite Empowerment
- Parasitic Empowerment
- Particle Empowerment
- Patronage Empowerment
- Pearl Empowerment
- Personal Eldritch Force
- Personal Literary Manipulation
- Phenomenon Empowerment
- Photosynthesis
- Physical Force Empowerment
- Placebo Empowerment
- Planetary Empowerment
- Plant Empowerment
- Plot Empowerment
- Pollution Empowerment
- Population Empowerment
- Positivity Empowerment
- Potential Energy Empowerment
- Potion Empowerment
- Power Balance
- Power Empowerment
- Pressure Empowerment
- Primordial Empowerment
- Psionic Empowerment
- Psychology Empowerment