Abilities and powers related to Mysticism, the ability to wield supernatural abilities by communing with divine or other transcendent forces of nature and reality.
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- Acultomancy
- Adaptive Magic
- Aether Object
- African Mysticism
- Afterlife Creation
- Alchemic Constructs
- Alchemic Material Creation
- Alchemic Symbiosis
- Alchemy Attacks
- Alchemy Creation
- Alkahest Creation
- Alkahest Manipulation
- Ammunition Magic
- Ancestral Evocation
- Ancestral Magic
- Angelomancy
- Animal Object Manipulation
- Anthropomancy
- Anti-Spell Attacks
- Anti-Spell Combat
- Anti-Spell Constructs
- Anti-Spell Creation
- Anti-Spell Defense
- Anti-Spell Empowerment
- Anti-Spell Power Link
- Arcanescience
- Artisan Magic
- Auramancy
- Avatar Symbiosis
- Axis Mundi Manipulation
- Beast Force Manipulation
- Beastfolk Manipulation
- Bio-Ectoplasmic Manipulation
- Biosphere Manipulation
- Black Shamanism
- Blessed Object
- Blessed Power Link
- Blessed Symbiosis
- Body Magic
- Body Meridian Attacks
- Body Meridian Combat
- Body Meridian Manipulation
- Boundless Awakening
- Boundless World Creation
- Buddhist Communication
- Buddhist Mysticism
- Ecosystem Creation
- Ecosystem Manipulation
- Ecto-Warping
- Ectoplasm Arts
- Ectoplasm Manipulation
- Ectoplasmic Attacks
- Ectoplasmic Defense
- Ectoplasmic Vision
- Egyptian Mysticism
- Eldritch Technology
- Elemental Recomposition
- Elf Manipulation
- Empathic Casting
- Energy Perception
- Esoteric Ice Manipulation
- Esoteric Light Manipulation
- Esoteric Mist Manipulation
- Esoteric Moon Generation
- Esoteric Moon Manipulation
- Esoteric Music Manipulation
- Esoteric Nature Manipulation
- Esoteric Organic Manipulation
- Esoteric Particles Manipulation
- Esoteric Plant Generation
- Esoteric Plant Manipulation
- Esoteric Radiation Generation
- Esoteric Radiation Manipulation
- Esoteric Silence Manipulation
- Esoteric Sound Manipulation
- Esoteric Star Generation
- Esoteric Sun Generation
- Esoteric Technology Manipulation
- Esoteric Time Manipulation
- Esoteric Toxin Manipulation
- Esoteric Wood Manipulation
- Essence Dispersal
- Eternal Flame Manipulation
- Evil Eye Embodiment
- Evil Sense
- Existence Assignment
- Fable Manipulation
- Faerification
- Fairy Combat
- Fairy Tale Manipulation
- Familiar Summoning
- Familiar Thievery
- Fantasy Manipulation
- Fantasy World Creation
- Fantasy World Enforcement
- Fantasy World Manipulation
- Fantasycraft Manipulation
- Fast Casting
- Feng Shui Manipulation
- Flawless Clairvoyance
- Folklore Manipulation
- Madness Combat
- Magic Books
- Magic Boots
- Magic Bracelet
- Magic Cape
- Magic Cauldron
- Magic Channeling
- Magic Concentration
- Magic Creation
- Magic Gauntlet
- Trait:Magic Inheritance
- Magic Permittance
- Magic Power
- Magic Reflection
- Magic Resonance
- Magic Ring
- Magic Scanning
- Magic Scrolls
- Magic Sealing
- Magic Transcendence
- Magic Transferal
- Magical Appendage Generation
- Magical Armor
- Magical Blood
- Magical Clothing Generation
- Magical Data Manipulation
- Magical Element Manipulation
- Magical Energy Solidification
- Magical Entity Creation
- Magical Environment Manipulation
- Magical Organic Manipulation
- Magical Plant Manipulation
- Magical Power Link