Superpower Wiki

The power to use the traits of cecaelia. Combination of Cephalopod Physiology and Taur Physiology. Variation of Merfolk Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Cecaelia Mimicry


A user with this ability either is or can transform into a cecaelia, a variation on merfolk with a cephalopode (usually octopus) lower body. Unlike many other merfolk, they are rarely able to transform their bodies into fully humanoid ones and are thus highly limited when on land.



Known Users[]

See Also: Unscaled Merfolk.

  • Steela (12 Beast)
  • Calamaramon (Digimon)
  • Claudia (The Dragon Prince); briefly
  • Uma (Disney’s Descendants)
  • Uliana (Disney's Descendants: Rise of Red)
  • Ursula and Morgana (Disney’s The Little Mermaid)
  • Azul Ashengrotto (Disney: Twisted-Wonderland)
  • Meg Griffin (Family Guy: Road to The Multiverse); Alternate Universe Counterpart from Disney-Esque Universe
  • Cordelia (Fathomfolk)
  • Donald Duck (Kingdom Hearts); while in Atlantica
  • The Sea Witch (Living Legends: Voice of the Sea)
  • Acthea (Magic City Deective: Wrath of the Ocean)
  • Guardian ÄRM, Octopus (Marchen Awakens Romance)
  • Octopus (The Mermaid 2016)
  • Scylla (Monster Musume)
  • Kraken (Monster Girl Encyclopedia)
  • Scylla (Monster Girl Encyclopedia)
  • Cthulhy Squele (Monster Girl Doctor)
  • Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time);briefly
  • Ursula, the Sea King's daughter (Once Upon a Time)
  • Ursula the Sea Goddess (Once Upon a Time)
  • Hyouzou (One Piece)
  • Cecaelia (Pathfinder)
  • Sea Hags (Pathfinder)
  • Subier (Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven)
  • Liu Yiwu (Terraformars)


