The user is the embodiment of parties, festivals, and celebrations.
Also Called[]
- Celebration Entity
- Festivity Entity
- Fiesta Entity
- Party Entity
- Party Lord
- The Living Celebration
- The Walking Celebration
The user either is the embodiment of a celebration of some kind or all celebrations such as birthdays, weddings, quinceaneras and parties in general.
Associated Powers[]
- Celebration Manipulation
- Dance Manipulation
- Food and Drink Manipulation
- Fun Manipulation
- Game Manipulation
- Musical Inducement
- Party Inducement
- Character may get carried away with their parties.
- Character may not be able to control the parties they create and they could get out of hand as a result.
- Weak against Amusement Inhibition.
Known Users[]
- Party Juju (Tak And a The Power of Juju)
- All Citizens of the Land of Remembered (The Book of Life)
- All Citizens from the Systar System (LEGO: The Movie Part: 2)