Superpower Wiki

The power to infringe center of mass. Sub-power of Center of Mass Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Center of Mass Law Breaking/Violation
  • Center of Gravity Infringement/Law Breaking/Violation


The user can ignore their center of mass, "a distribution of mass in space is the unique point where the weighted relative position of the distributed mass sums to zero, or the point where if a force is applied it moves in the direction of the force without rotating". They can thus infringe their own center of mass to do things that were not possible before. In addition, this alteration of mass concentration can occur without incurring any other obvious changes upon the recipient's physicality, making it virtually unnoticeable to a casual observer.




  • May not be able to infringe center of mass completely.
  • May have limits as to what forces can knock them over or not.

Known Users[]
