Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate reality through pure/raw brain power alone. Variation of Reality and Scientific Warping. Scientific version of Psychic Warping, and Mentifery.

Also Called[]

  • Brainifery/Smartifery
  • Brain/Cerebral/Encephalic/Intellect/Intelligence Warping
  • Gray/Grey Matter Warping
  • Intelligence/Intellect Reality Manipulation
  • Scientific Mentifery/Psychic Warping
  • Warping via Brain/Smart

Fiction-Specific Terms[]

  • Mass Consciousness (DC Comics)


The users can manipulate reality through sheer intelligence alone, knowing exactly how the reality works, thinking on a quantum level, and using brain power to control and change its entire fabric with ease. They can gain some psychic and godlike powers and also can fully be aware of the real world. when their brains get bigger and smarter, the bigger they are, the more powerful they become. It’s as if their intellect becomes a cosmic tool, reshaping the very nature of the universe. As your brain grows-absorbing knowledge, creativity, and understanding, the range of applications expands. You could manipulate universe/universes, subatomic particles, and/or even the fabric of spacetime itself.





Known Users[]

  • Sheen Estevez (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius); While using the Brain Gain Helmet and turn into him as Big Brain Sheen (formerly)
  • Chowder (Chowder) Via Brain Grub (formerly)
  • Brain (DC Comics) Via Bliss Drug (formerly)
  • Logopolitan (Doctor Who)
    • The Monitor
  • Lucy Miller (Lucy) Via CPH4
  • Onslaught (Marvel Comics); Via Mutant Absorption and Super-Genius Intelligence
  • Supreme Intelligence (Marvel Comics) Via Cosmic Cube
  • Beast Boy (Teen Titans Go)

Known Objects/Powers[]

  • Bliss Drug (DC Comics)
  • Sage Force (DC Comics) via only through technological means.
  • CPH4 (Lucy)
  • The Cosmic Cube (Marvel Comics)

