Superpower Wiki

The power to be a master of chi, either innately or through training. Combination of Complete Mastery and Chi Manipulation. Variation of Qigong Mastery.


Users, either innately or through training, are masters of chi, allowing them to perceive and understand chi like no other and learn and master virtually any application there is achievable to chi.

With said mastery, the user is able to perform superhuman feats with the body that is below superhuman. The master, for example, will know how to survive wounds that would normally kill average humans, damage other living beings by knowing the paths in which the life energy flows, and many more.



  • Applies fields relating to chi only.
  • May not be able to use all chi applications.
  • May require a degree of training or exposure.
  • May take time to achieve such mastery.


Known Users[]

  • I-Ching (DC Comics)
  • Kong Kenan/Super-Man of China (DC Comics)
  • Various Characters (Dragon Ball franchise)
  • Snake Eyes (Hasbro franchise)
  • Hou Ken (Kingdom)
  • Blacksmith (The Man with the Iron Fists)
  • Daniel Rand/Iron Fist (Marvel Comics)
  • Jin Taekyung (Murim Login)
  • Zheng Shang-Chi (Marvel Comics)
  • Various Characters (Wolyaverse)
  • Various Characters (Ordeal)
  • Hyuk Musang (World’s Greatest Senior Disciple)
  • Murong Geomhwa (World’s Greatest Senior Disciple)


