The power to be a master in wielding a chi-based sword or blade. Variation of Enhanced Swordsmanship and Ergokinetic Sword Proficiency. Opposite of Spiritual Sword Proficiency.
Also Called[]
- Chi Sword Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery
- Chi Blade Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery/Proficiency
- Gi/Ki/Qi Blade/Sword Aptitude/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery/Proficiency
Users, either innately or through training, is a master wielding a chi sword, a sword infused with chi energy, or a blade manifested from one's chi. Due to the special properties that the chi energy possesses, it is not bound to the limitations of other elements, making it very versatile. As it is part of the user, the life-force that composes the sword can be manipulated/shaped to change its shape and attributes, adapting to the situation at hand.
- Cutting
- Chi Cutting
- Death Inducement
- Pain Inducement
- Chi Impale
- Chi Infusion
- Chi Slash
- Chi Sword
- Slash Effect
- Slash Projection
- Blade Elongation
- Blade Retraction
- Chi Manipulation
- Chi Weaponry
- Enhanced Swordsmanship
- Chi Blade Construction
- Sword Beam Emission
- How long the blade lasts depend on the user's skill and power, some may need near-constant attention, and others are effectively permanent.
- Users of Anti-Energy Manipulation.
- May require a degree of training or exposure.
- May take time to achieve mastery.
- May take time to build up chi depending on the amount.
- May require a physical medium such as a hilt.
- One's chi is often finite and can be used up quickly.
- May be nearly impossible to use if one's internal system of chi is injured, destroyed, or sealed.
- Life-Force Inhibition weaponry is the perfect counter.
Known Users[]
- Future Trunks (Dragon Ball series)
- Goku Black (Dragon Ball series)
- Dan Yuseong (Infinite Leveling: Murim)
- Jin Mu-Won (Legend of the Northern Blade)
- Various Characters (Murim Login)
- Lee Jaha (Return of the Mad Demon)
- Various Characters (Wolyaverse)
- Jack (Samurai Jack) via His Pure Chi Sword
Web Comic[]
- Various Characters (Ordeal)