Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The ability to manipulate the chi-based waters. Variation of Chi Elemental Manipulation, Esoteric Water Manipulation, and Water Manipulation. Combination of Chi Manipulation and Water Manipulation. Opposite of Spiritual Water Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Chi Aquakinesis
  • Chi H2O Manipulation
  • Chi Hydrokinesis


The user can create, shape and manipulate water formed from the chi energy. Due to being comprised of chi power, these waters aren't only stronger than usual waters, but also may have the power to affect one's life-force in varying ways.


Water Manipulation




  • Anti-Energy Manipulation
  • Takes time to build up chi depending on the amount.
  • Chi is often finite and can be used up quickly.
  • May require training to control the chi within them.
  • Excessive use of chi will lead to fatigue and also death.
  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
  • Vulnerable to corruption, resulting in dark chi.
  • If one's body is not physically prepared, then the chi could be sent into flux.
  • User may need to be a practitioner of martial arts.
  • Life-Force Inhibition is the perfect counter.

Known Users[]

Known Powers/Techniques[]
