Superpower Wiki

The power to create whips from plants. A sub-power of Chlorokinetic Constructs, variation of Organic Whip Generation.

Also Called

  • Plant Whip Generation


User can create plant whips from nothing or by shaping the existing plants and use them to drown their targets by wrapping them up in their whips.




  • Durability of the whips may depend on the user's will.
  • May may be unable creating plants, being limited to manipulating already existing ones.
  • How long the whip lasts depends on the users skill and power, some may need near constant attention, others are effectively permanent.
  • May have a limit on range.

Known Users

  • Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
  • Joseph Joestar (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure); via Hermit Purple
  • Rosemon (Digimon)
  • Grass-Type Pokemon (Pokemon)