Superpower Wiki
"Dr. Rosen: Mr. Ray, have you've been practicing any other religions lately? Worshipping another deity, perhaps?
Chucky: Never I've been a Dumballik for 40 years.
Dr. Rosen: Nothing in recent memory? Friends, lovers. Anyone close to you dabbling in, say, Christianity?
Chucky: Well, I was sort of involved in an exorcism last year.
Dr. Rosen: Oh, dear.
Chucky: What? Come on it can't be that bad lay it on me.
Dr. Rosen: Mr. Ray you have been infected with Christian Magic. Worse still the contagion source seems to be Catholicism. It’s...It's quite advanced, I haven’t heard of this happening since the eleventh century."
― Dr. Rosen (Chucky; Tv series) to Chucky being infected by Christianity

The power to use powers that revolve around Christianity. Variation of Religious Mysticism. Not to be confused with Divine Magic.

Also Called[]

  • Christian Commands
  • Christian Esoteric/Mystical Arts
  • Christian/Christianity Magic
  • Esoteric Christianity
  • God-Mysticism
  • The Ultimate Divine


The user is able to use Christian mysticism; a powerful form of mystical practice within Christianity including the mystic/esoteric secrets and knowledge that connects to mystical theology of Christianity. This grants users very sacred and very potent kinds of supernatural abilities by connecting to the Christian/Abrahamic/Monotheistic God and all the divine forces that serve under said deity.

Users can wield extremely powerful attributes that comes from the mystical and sacred union with the Christian God that bestows upon users holy/divine qualities and sacred powers that come from said deity as their source. Because of this union, users of this mysticism can be extremely powerful, capable of feats of an unimaginable scale that can surpass most supernatural entities due to the Christian God being the One God of all things.





  • May only be wielded by true Christians/believers in Christ.
    • Thus, anyone who isn’t true won't be unable to use it.
  • User who strays from God will lose their power.
    • However, if seeking redemption, user May find their way back.
  • May face persecution/exclusion from the orthodox sects.
  • May be required with caution in order to ensure their workings fall in line with the divine and are not corrupted by the demonic.

Known Users[]

See also: Nuns Are Mikos.


  • Alexander Anderson (Hellsing)
  • Angels and Fallen Angels (Highschool DxD)
  • Exorcists (Highschool DxD)
  • Various Characters (Toaru Majutsu no Index)
  • Tanya von Degurechaff (Youjo Senki: Saga of Tanya the Evil)


  • Zauriel (DC Comics)


  • Archangels (Abrahamic Religions)
  • Seraphims (Abrahamic Religions)
  • Cherubims (Abrahamic Religions)
  • Christian Mystics (Christian Mysticism)
    • Christian Witches (Esoteric Christianity)
    • King Solomon
  • The Virgin Mary (Christianity)
  • Prophets (Judeo-Christianity)

Video Games[]

  • Yoko Belnades (Castlevania)
  • Gabriel Belmonst (Castlevania: Lords of Shadows)
  • Dante (Dante's Inferno)
  • Erica Fontaine (Sakura Wars)
  • Executors (TYPE-MOON)
    • Amakusa Shirou Tokisada/Shirou Kotomine
    • Ciel
    • Kirei Kotomine
    • Noel
  • Jeanne D'Arc (TYPE-MOON)
  • Solomon (TYPE-MOON)
  • Saint Martha (TYPE MOON)


