Superpower Wiki
"Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers."
― Uriel (Archangel) explains how the power of Claircognizance provides wisdom to companions
"What if I need you? What if I have questions?
"That's your problem Bruce, that's everyone's problem. You keep looking up."
― Bruce Nolan and God (Bruce Almighty)

The power to gain information of all sorts through intrinsic means. Variation of Extrasensory Perception. Psychic variation of Intuitive Aptitude.

Also Called[]

  • Clear-Knowledge/Knowing/Recognition/Thinking
  • Claircognition/Claircognitive
  • Divine Knowing
  • Drop-in Insight
  • Indiscernible Contact
  • Inner-Knowledge/Knowing/Recognition/Thinking
  • Intrinsic Knowledge/Sense
  • Intuitive Insight/Information/Knowledge
  • Just Know Feeling/Something
  • Knowledge Intuition
  • Psychic-Knowledge/Knowing/Recognition/Thinking
  • Receiving Revelation (Supernatural)
  • Strong Gut Feeling/Instinct
  • True Belief
  • Uriel-Sense


The user can gain information about a person, object, place, skillset, ability, or event through intrinsic knowledge, as it just "comes to" the user's mind. In addition, users could psychically perceive information from past and future events or locations beyond the mental or sensory range. Furthermore, they could acquire knowledge from disembodied spirits and other extradimensional entities, wherein enables them to translate other biological senses into a cognitive equivalent. This power may even allow a user to receive changes (i.e. language, memory, judgment).





Associated Users[]


  • Users may have intuitive hunches when this power is triggered.
  • May have to wait a while between uses.
  • May not be able to control what type of knowledge is gained.
  • May only work with people or an object.
  • May overload the conscious mind without regulation.

Known Users[]

  • Uriel (Abrahamic Faiths)
  • Green Dragon Lamas (Archer & Armstrong)
  • Obadiah Archer (Archer & Armstrong)
  • Beings with Intellectus (Dresden Files)
  • Whispered (Full Metal Panic)
  • Cassie Nightingale (Good Witch)
  • Grace Russell (Good Witch)
  • Abigail Pershing (Good Witch)
  • Bridget Diane Baumgartner (Harwell’s Institute)
  • Preston Bailey/LuckyBoy (Heart of Luck)
  • Draph (Heroes)
  • Answer Talker users (Konjiki no Gash Bell!)
  • Oracular Deities (Mythology)
  • Nereus (Percy Jackson and The Olympians)
  • Alexandra Fielding/Artemis (Twitches)
  • Robin/The Avatar (Fire Emblem: Awakening)

