The ability to ignore clouds of any kind. Sub-power of Cloud Manipulation and Unrestricted Movement.
Also Called[]
- Cloud Mobility
The user can move through clouds of any kind, such as water vapor clouds, thunderclouds, smoke clouds, dust clouds, any kind of clouds. Clouds are usually made of liquid and solid matter and are able to float in the air, and the user can go through them without turbulence.
- Aerial Balance
- Enhanced Agility/Supernatural Agility
- Enhanced Athleticism/Supernatural Athleticism
- Enhanced Dexterity/Supernatural Dexterity
- Gaseous Current Defiance
- Gaseous Movement
- Solid Defiance
- Cloud Generation
- Cloud Manipulation
- Flowmotion
- Gas Manipulation
- Hyper Maneuverability
- Liquid Manipulation
- Smoke Manipulation
- Solid Defiance
- Solid Manipulation
- Thundercloud Generation
- Thundercloud Manipulation
- Unrestricted Movement
- May have limits in how much force from clouds the user can negate.
- Cannot ignore other forces such as gravity.
- Still may have trouble defying other forms of matter.
Known Users[]
- Zapdos (Pokémon)