Superpower Wiki

The ability to induce confidence. Variation of Mental Inducement. Not to be confused with Arrogance Inducement.

Also Called

  • Self-Confidence Inducement
  • Self-Assurance Inducement
  • Self-Belief Inducement
  • Determination Inducement


The user can induce confidence in other people, they can induce confidence to others who are not so sure of themselves or believes that they cannot do something at all. This can be of great use in bringing the determination in others back up to full strength and can make them sure of themselves.


  • Can motivate others to do something the person would believe he could not do
  • Bring one's confidence back to full strength
  • Be able to convince other people that they CAN do something
  • Can increase the level of determination one has
  • Can make others believe in themselves



  • May not be able to work on those who can resist psychic powers.

Known Users

  • Faith (DC Comics)

